Minister Of Communication And Information Budi Alludes To The Potential For Digitalization Cooperation With Egypt

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology will discuss the potential for digitalization cooperation with Egypt at the 2nd High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (HLF-MSP) and Indonesia-Africa Forum (IAF) events.

Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi said that his meeting with the Egyptian delegation would be part of an effort to strengthen bilateral relations and develop strategic cooperation in the field of technology and digitization.

"One of them is that we will share digitalization with Egypt, including equitable internet access and how digitalization can increase economic leaps and the country's progress," Budi said in Bali in his official broadcast quoted Monday, September 2.

Budi also hopes that Indonesia's cooperation with Egypt will be able to advance Indonesia in the future, especially now that the Indonesian government is focusing on digital transformation.

He also said that Indonesia and Egypt had been building cooperation for a long time, because Egypt was one of the first countries to establish relations with Indonesia after independence.

"We hope that this meeting will produce more intensive communication and talks, and cover substantial matters," said Budi further.

Meanwhile, the HLF-MSP and IAF 2024 events will be held on September 1, 2024 in Bali. The Ministry of Communication and Information has also prepared a media center at the Pecatu Hall Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, Badung to accommodate 500 journalists covering.

In addition, Kominfo has also prepared adequate bandwidth capacity, supported by four trusted providers to ensure optimal internet speed. In addition, there are hospitality services such as snacks and drinks.