Continuing To Have Problems, The DKI DPRD Discourses On The Form Of An Asset Task Force

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta DPRD for the period 2024-2029 plans to form an asset task force belonging to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. The arrangement of asset inventory is an unresolved chronic problem.

A member of the DKI Jakarta DPRD from the PKS faction, Khoirudin, revealed that the task force will work to trace the problem of listing assets so that assets belonging to the DKI Provincial Government are recorded and managed optimally.

"I want in the future to form a kind of Asset Task Force to ensure our assets are productive and we can regain our rights," said Khoirudin in Jakarta, Tuesday, September 2.

If formed, the asset task force will be tasked with overseeing revenues originating from assets. Thus, there will be no more leakage due to not being properly recorded in providing income from asset utilization.

"We will review the system and carry out strict monitoring so that we can find out and immediately resolve the leakage of income," said Khoirudin.

The DKI Provincial Government is recorded to have assets worth IDR 700 trillion. Khoirudin regrets that there are still many assets belonging to the Provincial Government that have been neglected and have not been recorded. This is also used by irresponsible parties to control

"Many have not been managed by the provincial government, it is empty. Some are used by others not to enter the regional treasury. We must regulate this," said Khoirudin.

According to him, if sleeping assets are managed and utilized, they can become one of the sources of local revenue (PAD). So, the community can feel the benefits.

"Fasos-fasum are scattered everywhere and its utilization is not yet clear. It has not contributed to our PAD, if we rent it, cooperate, the potential is huge," said Khoirudin.

Every year, the DKI Provincial Government is being questioned by the DPRD over the problem of asset inventory. Finally, collection and listing of assets are the demands of Commission A of the DKI Jakarta DPRD on the APBD Accountability Statement Report (LKPJ) for the 2023 fiscal year.

Commission A of the DKI Jakarta DPRD for the 2019-2024 period previously urged the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, in this case the Inspectorate, to publish a list of rogue developers who do not submit their obligations in the form of social facilities and public facilities (fasos-fasum).

Revealing the names of the developers of the land use appointment permit (SIPPT) or land use designation permit (IPPT) to uncooperative developers is expected to provide a deterrent effect.