What Is The News About Monas Revitalization Which Is Targeted For Completion This Year?

JAKARTA - Previously, work on the revitalization of the National Monument (Monas) was said to be completed in 2021. The revitalization included in the Master Plan for Arrangement of the Medan Merdeka Area Site Plan began with a design competition in 2019.

Monas's revitalization construction began in early 2020. Then, what is the current condition? Monas Area Management Unit (UPK) Head Muhammad Isa Sanuri said that currently, work has stalled in the middle of the road.

The main factor was the COVID-19 pandemic that plagued Indonesia, including DKI Jakarta in March 2020. At that time, the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan temporarily stopped the revitalization of Monas because the budget was diverted for handling the pandemic.

"The temporary revitalization of Monas is not carried out due to the budget conditions that focus on (handling) COVID-19. This year, Monas's revitalization has not been continued", Isa told VOI, Monday, March 29.

Currently, the progress of revitalization work has been completed in the south plaza area of 34,841 square meters. In that area, there is a concrete-layered plaza and a pond that can reflect the shadow of the Monas Monument.

However, other areas have not been touched, such as the construction of plazas on the east and west sides. Unfortunately, Isa did not reveal the details of the incomplete work.

"In the meantime, only the southern plaza has been completed. But for the area as a whole, it hasn't. For more details, please ask the Cipta Karya, Spatial Planning and Land Service (Citata)", he said.

Now, the UPK Monas is still coordinating with the Citata Office for the budget for the revitalization of Monas, which is said to be continued next year. VOI tried to contact the Head of the City Citata Service, Heru Hermawanto regarding the revitalization of Monas, but it has not been responded to.

Monas Revitalization 2020 / VOI

The problem of Monas's revitalization

The problem with the revitalization of Monas was caught when DKI was caught cutting 191 trees on the south side in January 2020. DKI DPRD (Regional House of Representatives) is upset. This is because the tree is supporting the green line.

The DPRD asked Anies to temporarily stop the revitalization of Monas. This is because it turns out that the construction is proceeding without the approval of the Steering Committee for the Development of the Medan Merdeka Area.

In Presidential Decree No. 25 of 1995, the Minister for the Steering Committee is the Minister of State Secretary. Meanwhile, the governor serves as Chairman of the Executing Body.

Then, Monas's revitalization was stopped, while Anies discussed this issue with State Secretary Pratikno. Anies explained that the 191 trees felled on the south side of Monas would be replaced three times over.

A total of 191 trees that have been felled will be replanted, as many as 573 in the west and east areas, as well as the parking areas of IRTI and Lenggang Jakarta. The food stalls in Lenggang Jakarta will be moved to the eastern part near Gambir Station. Apart from that, there were also 83 trees with a maximum height of 2 meters that were moved to the west and east sides.

From there, the Steering Committee decided to allow Anies to continue the work. Until finally, the revitalization of Monas was stopped again due to the COVID-19 pandemic.