Pertamina Ensures Health Protocols For Residents Of Refugees As The Impact Of The Indramayu Oil Refinery Burned

JAKARTA - Pertamina ensures the safety of residents in the vicinity of the incident by evacuating to the Indramayu Regency Hall and partly to the Indramayu Islamic Center.

The residents who were evacuated came from Balongan village, which is the village closest to location.

At the refugee camps, Pertamina has prepared COVID-19 prevention kits in the form of masks and hand sanitizers, as well as ensuring residents continue to carry out the health protocol for preventing COVID-19.

"For logistics, Pertamina will cooperate with the local government of Indramayu Regency to help provide consumption for residents in the evacuation camps. Pertamina is also preparing tarpaulins and the needs of other residents in the refugee camps", said Corporate Secretary Subholding Refining & Petrochemical Ifki Sukarya in a statement on Monday, March 29.

Meanwhile, blackout efforts are still ongoing. Pertamina brought in an HSSE (Health Safety, Security and Environment) team from the closest refinery unit, namely the Pertamina Cilacap Refinery, Pertamina EP, Pertamina Plaju Refinery, and the local Fire Brigade Unit to immediately seek to extinguish the refinery fires.

As is well known, at 00.45 am this morning, an incident occurred which caused a fire in the T301G tank. The cause of the fire is not known with certainty, but at the time of the incident, the conditions were pouring rain and lightning.

The refinery that burned was the Balongan refinery located in Balongan Village, Indramayu District, West Java.