Fire At The Refinery In Balongan Indramayu, Pertamina Ensures Safe Fuel Supply

JAKARTA - There has been an incident at Pertamina Balongan Refinery that caused a fire to the T-301G tank on March 29, 2021, starting at around 00.45 in the morning.

Pertamina's SVP Corporate Communications & Investor Relations Agus Suprijanto stated, currently the Pertamina Balongan Refinery Health, Safety, and Environment (HSSE) team is focusing on extinguishing fires at the refinery located in Balongan Village, Indramayu Regency, West Java.

"The cause of the fire is not certain, but at the time of the incident, it was raining heavily accompanied by lightning. Currently, a normal shutdown is being carried out to control the flow of oil and prevent the expansion of the fire", Agus explained in his written statement, Monday, March 29.

He added that Pertamina has prepared a place for evacuation and temporary evacuation for residents in the Bumi Patra Housing Stadium and Pendomo, Indramayu Regency. Pertamina asked residents to remain calm, and stay away from the location of the fire.

"When the incident occurred, there were 4 residents who were passing by, so they suffered burns and were immediately referred for intensive care at the Indramayu Regional Hospital", he said.

Currently, he said, road blockages to the vicinity of the incident were also carried out, assisted by the TNI.

"With this incident, Pertamina ensures that the supply of BBM/fuel to the public is not disrupted and is currently running normally", said Agus.