Track Record Of Bogor City DPRD 2019-2024: Pro Rakyat, Budget Transparency And Maximize Supervision

BOGOR - The Bakti Period of 50 members of the Bogor City DPRD for the 2019 - 2024 period officially ended on August 27, 2024. This was marked by the holding of a plenary taking of the oath of office of the Bogor City DPRD for the 2024-2029 term of service.

The chairman of the Bogor City DPRD, Atang Trisnanto, apologized as well as thanked the people of Bogor City. For a period of five years, the Bogor City DPRD continues to strive to carry out its duties, functions and authorities in its capacity as a representative of the people according to the vision of the Asspirational, Professional, Amanah and Dignity DPRD.

He said all the efforts that had been made were still lacking and had not been able to meet the expectations of all levels of society in Bogor City. The results achieved must be continued and improved.

"For this reason, on behalf of the leadership and members of the Bogor City DPRD for the 2019-2024 term of office, we apologize profusely for our shortcomings, mistakes and mistakes while carrying out our duties," said Atang.

The doctor who graduated from IPB University also expressed his deepest gratitude to the Mayor of Bogor and the ranks of the Bogor City Government, stakeholders and all the people of Bogor City for their good support and cooperation so far.

"We would like to thank the Bogor City Government, all stakeholders, and the people of Bogor City. The policy of redeeming diplomas, RTLH, sub-district GOR, one-stop schools, health services, as well as the various achievements and awards that Bogor City has received over the past five years is a tangible manifestation of our collaboration and synergy together. Hopefully these good things can be continued by the next government," said Atang.

During the 2019-2024 period, the Bogor City DPRD has stipulated 87 Regional Regulations (Perda). Not only that, the Bogor City DPRD through the Regional Regulation Formation Agency (Bapemperda) has carried out the evaluation and effectiveness of the implementation of the Regional Regulation, to see the extent of the implementation of regional regulations in the field, as well as to disseminate local regulations to the public.

Deputy Chairperson III of the Bogor City DPRD, M Rusli Prihatvy, revealed several initiative proposals that are expected to have a positive impact on the community, including the Regional Regulation on Empowerment of Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Regional Regulations on the Implementation and Protection of Persons with Disabilities, Regional Regulations on Sustainable Food Agriculture Land.

Perda tentang Pondok Pesantren, Perda tentang Perlindungan Lansia dan yang terakhir sedang diperjuangkan untuk segera bisa disahkan adalah Raperda tentang pencegahan dan perlindungan masyarakat dari dampak pinjaman online (pinjol).

"Hopefully all the regional regulations that we have approved and are fighting for can be ratified in the next period to become a regional regulation can be useful and the benefits of the people of Bogor City," said Rusli, who also serves as the coordinator of the Bapemperda of the Bogor City DPRD.

The budget policy outlined in the Bogor City Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) has always been prepared for the needs of the people of Bogor City.

Deputy Chairperson I of the Bogor City DPRD, Jenal Mutaqin, said that the Bogor City DPRD for the 2019-2024 period had succeeded in embedding the basic budget needs of community services into the Bogor City Budget.

Some of the budgets proposed by the Bogor City DPRD were disclosed by Jenal, including the budget for the redeem of the diplomas of poor citizens, the budget for repairing uninhabitable houses (RTLH), the Covid-19 aid budget taken from the incentive budget for members of the Bogor City DPRD.

Budget for the implementation and protection of disabilities, construction of new schools, construction of new health centers and post-disaster management budgets.

"We at the Bogor City DPRD continue to struggle to encourage the use of the budget that suits the needs of the community. It is indeed difficult to fight for it because it must be in accordance with the legal basis and applicable regulations, but it does not dampen our enthusiasm to give the best for residents of Bogor City," explained Jenal.

Meanwhile, the supervisory function carried out by the Bogor City DPRD was revealed by the Deputy Chairperson II of the Bogor City DPRD, Dadang Iskandar Danubrata, which had been carried out properly by each commission either through public complaints, absorption of aspirations through recesses or through work meetings and sudden inspections (sidak) to the field.

The result of the supervisory function carried out by the Bogor City DPRD, conveyed by Dadang is to help former PDJT employees regain their rights, namely paying salaries that are in arrears, advocating the rights of residents affected by the construction of the Bogor-Sukabumi double track and others.

"Alhamdulillah, all AKDs in the Bogor City DPRD for the 2019-2024 period have carried out very good supervisory functions. Everything produces policies that can be felt by the community," said Dadang.