Polda Kaltara Secures Registration Of Paslon Pilgub At KPU Kaltara
TANJUNG SELOR - Registration of Candidates for Regional Heads in the 2024 North Kalimantan Pilkada is still ongoing until tomorrow.
The Kaltara Regional Police involved in the "Great Operation Praja Kayan 2024" carried out open and closed security as well as traffic regulation in front of the Kaltara Province KPU office, Jl. Sengkawit Tanjung Selor.
The Kaltara Police started the morning rally in front of the Kaltara Provincial KPU kanotr and then carried out the sterilization of the building and the room where the event was held by the Gegana Brimobda Team of the Kaltara Police.
For the Pilkada of Kaltara Province, the first pair to register with the KPU of Kaltara Province was Sulaiman - Andri Patton. This candidate pair was promoted by the PDIP Party of Struggle and the PAN Party.
The couple, also known as Paslon "Sul-Ton", arrived at the Kaltara Provincial KPU office accompanied by the leadership of a supporting political party and sympathizers / volunteers. Both were received by Plt. Secretary of the Kaltara Province KPU.
The requirements for the administration of the Candidates for Governor and Deputy Governor of "Sul-Ton" were handed over by a candidate pair representative who is also the Chairman of the North Kalimantan Provincial DPRD Albertus Stefanus Marianus to the Chairman of the Kaltara Provincial KPU, Hariyadi Hamid.