In Solo, Fahri Hamzah Sent The Party To Gibran And Was Ready To Collaborate

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian People's Wave Party (Gelora) Fahri Hamzah stated that he is ready to collaborate with the Mayor of Surakarta, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, regarding city management.

"We were discussing about the future, about city management that we in the Gelora Party also offered the concept we used, in our 'tagline' we certainly collaborated with him," he said while visiting Gibran at the Surakarta Mayor's Office House Loji Gandrung Solo, reported by Antara. , Saturday, March 27th.

He said that on this occasion Gibran also shared many of his dreams on how to build the city of Solo in the future.

"I also leave a message, hoping that a reconciliative message will be born from the city of Solo. The dynamics of the nation need real examples so that the people are united. Solo is an example of political dynamics that must be ended. We also agree that in the future we will often talk," he said.

On that occasion, he also congratulated the 2020 Pilkada, appreciating Gibran for being able to represent the new generation, namely succeeding in becoming the leader of a region.

"He is one of the youngest mayors in Indonesia today. Representing a new generation, leading a city that is very well known, taking the tagline 'the spirit of Java'. In fact, I think Solo is also the soul of the Indonesian nation," he said.

Asked about the possibility of Gibran being drawn to the Gelora Party, he said, on that occasion the two of them did not discuss it.

"Just chatting. Of course I entrust the party, we (the Gelora Party) want to participate here," he said.

He also asked Gibran to enjoy the entire process so that he could mature him as a politician.

"I said earlier, just enjoy it first. Being a politician is a process, our ability to manage the situation is judged by the people. I said we are the new generation of Indonesia, the residual conflict from the past, our generation should not inherit it. The point is to build a nation, sometimes friction. comes from an irrational ideology. Hopefully starting from Solo the friction is reduced, "he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the visit, Gibran said that no serious discussions were discussed.

"Just coffee, 'no' political talk, 'no' serious discussion. His name is to establish friendship," he said.

When asked for a response to the attitude of the former cadre of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) who was known to be critical, Gibran admitted that this attitude was needed by the Indonesian nation.

"Pak Fahri is indeed critical, he gives good input. After all I consider him a 'role model'," he said.