Receiving Support From Munarman, Ex-FPI, SBY And AHY Judged As Panic

JAKARTA - Young NU activist, Mohamad Guntur Romli, assessed that the acceptance of the support of former FPI Secretary Munarman for the Democratic Party of the Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) camp was a form of panic by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY).

As a father, according to Guntur Romli, SBY is worried that AHY's position as the Democratic Chief of Staff will be increasingly threatened because internal support is running low.

"In my opinion, if AHY and the Cikeas dynasty receive assistance from Munarman Cs and FPI, it shows that they are really panicking, like being chased by debt," said Guntur Romli during a Seruput Kopi event by social activist Eko Kuntadhi via the CokroTV Youtube Channel, Saturday, March 27. .

According to Guntur Romli, as a radical group, FPI has always been active in supporting activities to support the country's politics.

However, he said, the support of radical groups such as FPI and HTI has actually further clarified SBY and AHY's nervousness in facing the Democratic Party's polemic situation. Moreover, their position is getting squeezed.

"Indeed, FPI is being used by political opposition groups that do not have a clear agenda for the benefit of the community. The important thing is anti-government, anti-Jokowi and anti-state by using radical groups such as HTI and FPI, ”said Guntur Romli.

Meanwhile, a former HTI leader, Ayik Heriansyah, did not deny that during his ten years of leadership, SBY and the Democrat Party opened up a large enough space for organizations such as HTI and FPI.

"They took advantage of political opportunities and freedom of expression during those 10 years by infiltrating all lines, both BUMN and private," said Ayik.

In fact, said Ayik, HTI at that time had separated itself from SBY's leadership. However, SBY's weakness in not taking firm action actually made HTI and FPI groups take advantage of this gap to develop themselves.

"Actually HTI has a Baro attitude, which means giving up on the SBY government. But it seems that at that time SBY was still hesitant to take action against HTI, so we know that SBY is not going to dissolve them, ”he said.

Previously, the former General Secretary of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Munarman, firmly stated that he was ready to provide legal assistance to the Democrat Party led by Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) if requested.

Munarman made this statement following the chaotic dualism within the Democratic Party between the AHY camp and the Moeldoko camp who was elected as the Head of the Democratic Party as a result of the Extraordinary Congress (KLB) held in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, some time ago.