The Shocking Facts Behind Krisdayanti's Touching Poetry For Aurel Hermansyah

JAKARTA - The mother of Aurel Hermansyah, Krisdayanti, gave a touching message to her child during his application. She reminisced about the happy times when she took care of Aurel in the past.

"Titania Aurelie Nurhermansyah, why is it named Titan because you are a strong and big child. Giving birth to you is a miracle, being able to breastfeed you when I was young is a gift. I once guided you on the first day of school, led you to achieve values and noble character," he said, quoted by VOI from Youtube RCTI, Monday, March 22.

And what is most touching is the part that Krisdayanti wants to remember for just one second by Aurel when Aurel already has a child. "I'm not asking you to love me as wide as the ocean enough if you remember me maybe a second of your life,"

"When you consider your child, always convey my greetings, that I love you. Later he will be my first grandchild. Mimi's prayer is always for you Aurel, Mimi God willing, bless your marriage with your choice. May Allah give you a smooth and make it easier for you to be good," said Krisdayanti.

In fact, the poem was created spontaneously by Krisdayanti the morning before the application ceremony took place. "One day before, I was informed to make an expression, I asked the ballpoint to continue writing on spontaneous paper. In order to sink in, the deepening had to be written," recalled Kridayanti who was conveyed on the YouTube channel DEDE YUSUF CHANNEL, quoted on Saturday, March 27.

What is unique is that Krisdayanti wrote it in the bathroom. "I prepared it in the bathroom before leaving, just ran away, on paper there was no scribbling at the same time. I don't know where the inspiration came from. I immediately wrote my heart," he said.