Good News From Mayor Bobby, Registration For SMEs At The Kitchen Of Asia Is Open

JAKARTA - The Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, is committed to developing tourist and culinary destinations in the city of Medan. In fact, he wants Medan to become The Kitchen of Asia because it has many ethnic potentials that must be developed.

Of course, the Medan city government needs collaboration and citizen support to realize these priority programs.

"Medan City UMKM players are given the same opportunity to sell at Kesawan City 'The Kitchen of Asia'," said Bobby as quoted from the @bobbynst Instagram page, Saturday, March 27.

However, he continued, business actors must first be registered with the UKM under the guidance of the Medan City Cooperative Office.

In addition, said Bobby, UMKM players who want to sell in the Kesawan area will also have to highlight certain ethnicities.

"Because this is part or an effort to preserve culture in the city of Medan," explained Bobby.

Here's how to register to become a UKM under the auspices of the Medan City UKM Cooperative Office:

1. Owning a business in its own name

2. Domiciled in Medan City

3. Photocopy of 1 sheet of KTP and KK

4. Have a certificate of permission from the local urban village (1 sheet photocopy)

5. Have a business license (business registration number) by OSS (Online Single Submission) from the PMPTSP service via or directly to the Medan City One Stop Integrated Service (DPMPTSP)

6. 3x4 and 2x3 photographs, 2 pieces each

7.Photos of production, business location and business products at least 3 photos (must show the photo of the business owner)

8. Photocopy of NPWP (if any)

9. Photocopy of permits held. For example: Halal MUI, Pirt, BPOM, TDP, SIUP, etc. (if any)

10. Have a business stamp

11. Carry the product stamp

"We apologize to the residents of Medan if there are still shortcomings in the soft launching. However, we will continue to fix it until it is really good," said Bobby.