RJ Lino Who Feels Happy To Feel The KPK Prison

JAKARTA - Former President Director (Managing Director) of PT Pelindo II Richard Joost Lino or RJ Lino was finally detained by the KPK after five years as a suspect. Now RJ Lino feels sleeping in the KPK Detention Center (Rutan).

"For the purposes of investigation, the KPK detained the suspect for 20 days from March 26 to April 13, 2021 at the Class I Detention Center, Corruption Eradication Commission Branch," said KPK Deputy Chairman Alexander Marwata during a press conference on the detention of the suspect, Friday, March 26.

The journey of this case occurred in 2009. Alex said that at that time PT Pelindo II conducted an auction for the procurement of three QCC units with a single lift specification for three ports namely Panjang Port, Palembang and Pontianak which were subsequently declared canceled and a direct appointment was made to PT Barata Indonesia. It's just that, the direct appointment was also canceled because there was no agreement on the price and the specifications of the goods still referred to European standards.

Subsequently, in January 2010, RJ Lino as the President Director of PT Pelindo II allegedly wrote a disposition letter ordering Operations and Engineering Director Ferialdy Noerlan. This letter is intended to conduct direct elections by inviting three companies from China, namely ZPMC, Wuxi, and HDHM, as well as a company from South Korea Doosan.

Next, in February of the same year, RJ Lino ordered his subordinates to make changes to the Decree of the Directors of PT Pelindo II concerning Basic Provisions and Procedures for the Procurement of Goods / Services in PT Pelindo II.

"The changes are intended to be able to invite directly to manufacturers abroad. The Decree of the Board of Directors of PT. Pelindo II (Persero) uses a back date so that HDHM is declared the winner of the job, "said Alex.

Furthermore, he explained, in the HDHM appointment, RJ Lino wrote the disposition of GO FOR TWINLIFT in the study compiled by the Director of Operations and Engineering.

"Even though the reporting of clarification and negotiation results with HDHM, it was found that HDHM and ZPMC products did not pass the technical evaluation because the goods were Chinese standards and had never exported QCC outside China," he explained.

Continuing to March 2010, RJ Lino then ordered his subordinates to conduct a technical evaluation of the QCC Twin Lift HDHM. In addition, he also gave a disposition to the Director of Commercial and Business Development of PT Pelindo II Saptono R. Irianto to conduct an operational review with the conclusion that the QCC Twin Lift is not ideal for Palembang Port and Pontianak Port.

Regarding this procurement, RJ Lino allegedly signed the payment document without the Finance Director's signature. The amount of down payment that was paid at that time reached USD24 million which was disbursed gradually.

In addition, the signing of the contract between PT Pelindo II and HDHM was carried out, the auction process was still ongoing and even after the contract was signed, negotiations were still underway to reduce specifications and prices so as not to exceed the Owner Estimate (OE) value.

Meanwhile, regarding the QCC that was sent to the three ports, it was carried out without a complete commission test. In fact, this test should be a mandatory requirement before handing over the goods.

As for the overall contract price of this QCC, a total of 15,445,000 US dollars consisting of 5,344,000 US dollars for transport aircraft at Panjang Port, 4,920,000 US dollars for transport aircraft at the Port of Palembang, and 5,290,000 US dollars. Union for transport aircraft located at Pontianak Port.

In this alleged corruption case, the KPK has finally obtained data on alleged financial losses in the maintenance of the QCC unit amounting to US $ 22,824.94.

"Meanwhile, for the construction and delivery of goods for the 3 QCC units, the BPK did not calculate the exact value of the State's losses because evidence of HDHM's real expenditure on the construction and delivery of 3 QCC units was not obtained," said Alex.

In addition, the KPK also obtained data from experts from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) that the cost of goods manufactured by QCC was cheaper. The QCC unit at the Port of Palembang is actually only worth US $ 2,996,123; 3,356,742 US dollars for the Long QCC; and US $ 3,314,520 for the Pontianak QCC.

The reason why the KPK was slow to detain RJ Lino

Still at the same press conference, Alexander also explained the reason the KPK was slow to detain RJ Lino. He said, there were indeed obstacles when investigating this case, including determining state losses.

"The obstacle is from the calculation of state losses in which the BPK has asked for a document or a comparative price for the tool," explained Alex.

He revealed that the KPK had actually tried ways to obtain supporting data so that RJ Lino could be arrested immediately. In fact, the KPK once asked the inspectorate from China for help.

"At that time there was an inspectorate from China to the KPK. We have also told you that we need the actual price of the QCC that HDHM sells," he said.

Not only that, in 2018 the previous leadership of the KPK, namely KPK Chairman Agus Rahardjo and KPK Deputy Chairman Laode M Syarif, had already left for China and were promised to meet with the minister or attorney general there. "But at the last moment the meeting was canceled," he explained.

Thus, the KPK finally faced this obstacle before detaining RJ Lino. In addition, another difficulty is when the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) demands the documents or data needed to calculate state losses.

"On the other hand, investigators have difficulty getting the qcc price or at least the comparable price. If, for example, HDHM sells to other countries, it can be compared so that it can be the basis for the country's calculations, "said Alex.

Finally, the KPK decided to use experts from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) to calculate the cost of goods manufactured from Quay Container Crane (QCC) at PT Pelindo II. As a result, according to experts, there was a difference in the procurement.

"There is a significant difference compared to the price purchased from Pelindo for HDHM, which amounted to 15 million US dollars. the contract is that much. Meanwhile, experts from ITB may include the total freight here of US $ 10 million, "said Alex.

"So there is a difference of about 5 million US dollars," he added.

Glad to finally be arrested

Before being taken to the KPK detention center, RJ Lino said he was happy. This is because his status is now clear and he has been detained after waiting for five years since his determination.

“I am very happy because after five years of waiting. Where I was interrogated three times which didn't really mean anything at all, today I was detained. So that the status is clear, "he said.

Even so, he still questioned the allegations that the KPK had called him detrimental to the state regarding the procurement of three QCC units in Pontianak, Palembang and Pelabuhan Panjang. This is because the Bandung Institute of Technology has made an estimate for calculating state losses, not by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK).

Even so, the BPK calculated that the alleged state losses in maintaining the three cranes reached US $ 22 thousand. Meanwhile, according to RJ Lino, maintenance is not the matter of the President Director of PT Pelindo II.

In addition, he considered, the calculation of losses in maintenance was too far-fetched. "Until now, if you go to the field for 10 years and the level of readiness is 95 percent," said RJ Lino before getting into the detention car.