Bambang Soesatyo: PWI Must Immediately Reconciliation To Maintain Cohesiveness

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), Bambang Soesatyo, encouraged the management of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) to maintain cohesiveness and harmony in the organization. According to Bambang, dissent is a natural thing in an organization, but it must not damage unity and friendship. "As a former journalist, I really hope that PWI reconciliation can be carried out immediately so that the organization can get back together," said Bambang when receiving the ranks of the PWI Central Executive at the MPR chairman's official residence, Widya Chandra, Jakarta, Monday 26 August.

Bambang Soesatyo, who once served as the Daily General Leader of Suara Karya, expressed his concern about PWI's internal conditions in the media spotlight. He hopes that internal conflicts can be resolved properly. "If needed, I am ready to mediate to help the PWI reconciliation process," he added, which was greeted enthusiastically by the PWI administrators who attended.

The meeting was attended by the General Chairperson of the Central PWI, Hendry Ch Bangun, Secretary General Iqbal Irsyad, General Treasurer M. Nasir, and Head of Central PWI Asset Management H. Untung Kurniadi.

The General Chairperson of the Central PWI, Hendry Ch Bangun, appreciated the attention and support from Bambang Soesatyo. Hendry explained that most of the conflicts in PWI were triggered by differences of views related to the Journalist Competency Test (UKW) program and the reshuffle of the management. However, the problem has been resolved through an audit report of the Haryo Tienmar Public Accountant Office which did not find material deviations. The expanded plenary meeting which was held on June 27, 2024, has also been ratified by the Minister of Law and Human Rights on July 9, 2024. "If there are parties who object, it should be resolved through the State Administrative Court," said Hendry.

Hendry also welcomed Bambang Soesatyo's intention to help with the PWI reconciliation process. "We really appreciate Mr. Bambang Soesatyo's good intentions," concluded Hendry in the hope that PWI would return to solid and harmonious.