Three Important Rapenda Agreed

TANJUNG SELOR Governor of North Kalimantan (Kaltara) Zainal A. Paliwang attended the 26th Plenary Meeting of the North Kalimantan Provincial DPRD during the Second Trial Period of 2024.

In the meeting it was agreed with three important Draft Regional Regulations (Ranperda), namely the Revised Regional Budget for the 2024 Fiscal Year, the Regional Budget for the 2025 Fiscal Year, and the Regional Regulation on the Implementation of the Employment Social Security Program.

The governor expressed his appreciation to the leadership and all members of the DPRD who have collaborated with the provincial government in the discussion and improvement of a number of Ranperda.

"We have gone through a long stage together, and with this mutual agreement, we have completed the constitutional process of discussing Ranperda well," said Zainal, Monday, August 26.

He explained that the 2024 APBD Amendments had been prepared based on Government Regulation Number 12 of 2019 concerning Regional Financial Management. This change is needed because there are developments that are not in accordance with the general policy assumptions of the APBD and changes in budget priorities that have been mutually agreed upon with the DPRD.

The 2025 APBD is designed to support the acceleration of inclusive and sustainable economic growth.

"We hope that the 2025 APBD will be able to answer development challenges and support the achievement of regional development targets, in accordance with Indonesia Gold's 2045 vision," he said.

In addition to the discussion of the APBD, the DPRD and the North Kalimantan Provincial Government also approved the Ranperda on the Implementation of the Employment Social Security Program.

This Ranperda is a form of government concern for the protection of labor in North Kalimantan, including guarantees of death, old age, retirement, and job loss.

"The government has provided social security to 54,452 vulnerable workers throughout North Kalimantan as part of efforts to protect employment," he explained.

In addition to the approval of the Ranperda, the plenary meeting also listened to the final report from the DPRD Special Committee which discussed several other Ranperda, including the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, Development and Border Management, Protection of Persons with Disabilities, and Plans for Spatial Planning for the North Kalimantan Region 2024-2043.

The governor hopes that the synergy between the government and the DPRD will continue to be improved in an effort to create an advanced and prosperous North Kalimantan.

"We must improve this good cooperation to build a changed, advanced, and prosperous North Kalimantan," he said.