One Reported Party Unlawful Killing Died, Rizieq Shihab: We Chase Until The Ant Hole

JAKARTA - Rizieq Shihab through his lawyer, Aziz Yanuar, said that he would still pursue the clarity of the unlawful killing case even though one reported party was declared dead. For Rizieq, all perpetrators must be held accountable for all their actions.

"Yes with his response, what is clear is that his response will be to chase down the ants of all the perpetrators," Aziz told reporters, Friday, March 26.

"We will ask the perpetrators to take responsibility for the afterlife to the families of the victims," he continued.

The reason is, this issue is said to be not an ordinary case but involves lives. Moreover, the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, emphasized that Aziz had stated that he would thoroughly investigate the case.

"Yes, we continue to collect, we will continue to argue about that. So the police are committed, so we will collect them," he said.

It was previously reported that the National Police said that one of the reporters in the unlawful killing had died as a result of a single accident while riding a motorcycle in the South Tangerang area. He died in early 2021.

"One of the reporters, namely on behalf of the EPZ, has died due to a single Scoopy motorbike accident, which occurred on January 3, 2021," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono.

Apart from the death of one reported party, Rusdi emphasized that the National Police is still investigating this case thoroughly. This includes revealing the role of the reported deceased.

"The investigation process continues. Even after passing away, to maintain the accountability of the investigators themselves, there are still three reported parties," he said.

Regarding the unlawful killing report, there were 3 members of Polda Metro Jaya who were reported. This report is the second in a series of cases of clashes between members of the police and the six laskar of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI).

Where, the police were forced to shoot four members of the FPI laskar. But the shooting was allegedly considered an unlawful killing because the police did not make other efforts to avoid the loss of life.