Zaskia Adya Mecca Sends Best Regards To Working Mothers, Makes Tears Clean

JAKARTA - Not many people understand how difficult it is for a mother who has to work and also looks after children at home. Zaskia Adya Mecca recently felt the heartache of a working mother. After staying for a long time in Jogjakarta, Zaskia has returned to Jakarta.

Of course, a lot of pending work must be done directly by Hanung Bramantyo's wife. After always being beside his son for a long time, Zaskia immediately received protests when he returned to work.

Through Instagram Story @ Zaskia is seen posting a photo of the youngest son Bhaj Kama Bramantyo who is sleeping. "And until Kaba's house said 'Bia don't shoot anymore please, Bia just stay at home'," Zaskia was quoted as saying Friday, March 26.

Not only Kala, Bhre also protested to Zaskia, he even called Bia ugly. "Then when I met Bhre 'Bia is ugly! Bia goes on! Blessed don't like it! Tomorrow can't go again!'," Wrote Zaskia.

"Heart chuckled. When I was embracing, Sybil was silent but chose to sleep in Bia's room tonight instead of in hers. Maybe if Kama could talk, it would be even more protests," he continued.

This is what makes Zaskia salute all mothers who still have to work for their children. Zaskia also wrote a greeting to encourage hardworking mothers who had to leave their children to work.

"My respect for the working moms out there, who have to work out of the house every day 9-5 or more, plus the hours of commuting home-office-home. This is not easy for the mother nor for the child. You great mothers, outside. Ordinary strong children too !!. " wrote Zaskia.

"All the struggles of his life can weigh the scales of goodness in the hereafter yaa, aminn !! Allah loves you," concluded Zaskia Adya Mecca.