Eid Homecoming In 2021 Is Prohibited, DKI Deputy Governor: Can Video Call

JAKARTA - The government has prohibited people from returning to their hometowns during this year's Eid season, like last year. Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmda Riza Patria asked people to use technology if they want to stay in touch with relatives.

"Homecoming does not have to meet, now there is digital, there is technology, it can be via cellphone, WhatsApp, can be via video call, and so on," said Riza at the City Hall of DKI, Central Jakarta, Friday, March 26.

Riza asked the public to understand, even though the increase in COVID-19 cases recently has decreased, it does not mean that awareness of the transmission of the corona virus is no longer being ignored.

"In fact, at a time of decline like this, we have to improve health protocols, we even have to pay more attention. Even though there are more vaccines being carried out, the health program is still running," said Riza.

He reminded that during the long holiday experience some time ago, COVID-19 cases had increased again due to the large number of community movements, both returning to their hometowns and on vacation.

"What has been made by the central government is something that is meant to ensure the safety of residents can be more maintained, not exposed. Until later it is truly safe, surely later we can go back to our respective villages," he said.

It is known, the government officially bans Eid homecoming this year. This was decided based on a coordination meeting between a number of ministries and agencies.

"In accordance with the President's direction and the decision of the ministerial coordination meeting, it is determined that in 2021 homecoming will be eliminated," said Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture of Indonesia (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy in a virtual press conference.

Muhadjir said the ban on going home applies to all ASN, TNI, Polri, BUMN employees, private employees, independent workers, and also the entire community.

Then, the ban on going home will start from May 6 to May 17, 2021. "On that day and date, people are advised not to carry out movements or activities outside the region, unless it is really urgent and necessary," he said. Muhadjir.