Historical Sources Of The Pajang Kingdom; Kings, Their Collapses, And Relics

JAKARTA - The history of the kingdoms in Java is always colored with revenge and bloodshed. Like when Hadiwijaya (Jaka Tingkir) got rid of the leader of the Demak Kingdom, Arya Penangsang. Then stood the Kingdom of Pajang in 1568 AD.

Before standing alone as a kingdom, Pajang was an area under the control of the Demak Kingdom. The Pajang region is led by Adipati Jaka Tingkir. Jaka Tingkir still has a relationship with the Demak Kingdom. He is the son-in-law of Sultan Trenggono.

But one day, Jaka Tingkir attacked the Demak Kingdom. The attack carried Queen Kalinyamat's mission of revenge in collaboration with the Regent of Pajang. The Jepara Regent wanted to get rid of Arya Penangsang who killed her husband and her husband's sister.

After Arya Penangsang stepped down, Jaka Tingkir was appointed leader of Demak. He received the title Sultan Hadiwijaya, which is the inauguration title of the regions under the Demak Kingdom.

Sultan Hadiwijaya then moved the center of government from Demak to Pajang. Apart from power, Hadiwijaya also moved all the heirlooms of the Demak Kingdom to Pajang. He also became the first king of the Pajang Kingdom.

The location of the Kingdom of Pajang

Based on historical sources of the Pajang Kingdom, it is located in Pajang, Laweyan, Surakarta, Central Java. The location is in western Surakarta. The kingdom was located in lowland, and was flanked by the Pepe and Dangke Rivers.

The territory of the Pajang Kingdom includes Pengging (Boyolali and Klaten), Need (Madiun and other areas in the Bengawan Solo River area), Tingkir (Salatiga), Mataram, Bagelen, Kedu, Pati, Demak, Jeparang, Bojonegoro, Kediri, and several big cities. in East Java.

The heyday of the Kingdom of Pajang

When led by Hadiwijaya, the Pajang Kingdom reached the peak of its heyday. Important kings in East Java at that time recognized their position and territory.

In addition, King Hadiwijaya also succeeded in expanding his power. From the land inland, he managed to hold the area to the east, that is, until Madiun. In 1554, he succeeded in overthrowing Blora. He also conquered Kediri in 1577.

Not only successful in terms of politics. Pajang also has advanced natural and socio-cultural resources. The Pajang Kingdom area is a large rice granary. In this area, the irrigation channel runs smoothly. Hadiwijaya also received the coronation as Sultan of Islam. The award was given by important kings in East Java.

The collapse of the Pajang Kingdom

In 1582 there was a war between Pajang and Mataram. After the war, King Hadiwijaya got sick and died. Apart from his leadership, Pajang's power was seized by his son Prince Benawa with his son-in-law Arya Pangiri.

The throne of the Pajang Kingdom was taken over by Arya Pangiri. Meanwhile, Pengeran Benawa went to Jipang. However, Arya Pangiri's leadership was not as wise as the previous king. He is busy taking care of the revenge against Mataram. Because of this, the lives of the Pajang people were not noticed.

Prince Benawa, who was concerned about Pajang's condition. In 1586, Prince Benawa teamed up with Sutawijaya to attack Pajang. Although previously Sutawijaya fought his father Hadiwijaya, Prince Benawa still embraced him as a brother.

Arya Pangiri also lost at the hands of the two alliances. He was sent back to his hometown, Demak. The leadership of the Pajang Kingdom was then taken by Prince Benawa.

In 1587, the reign of Pangeran Benawa ended. However, there is no crown prince who continues his throne. Because of this, Pajang was inherited as Mataram's territory.

Kings of the Kingdom of Pajang

The kingdom of Pajang was ruled by five kings from 1568 - 1618. Each king had its own contributions and shortcomings.

Jaka Tingkir

Jaka Tingkir or Hadiwijaya reigned from 1568 - 1583. This brave king was born in Pengging, an area on the slopes of Mount Merapi. He is the grandson of Sunan Kalijaga who comes from Kadilangun.

Jaka Tingkir has the first name Mas Krebet. This name he got because his birth coincided with a beber puppet show at his house. As a teenager, he got the name Jaka Tingkir.

Jaka Tingkir married the daughter of Sultan Trenggana, the King of Demak Kingdom. After successfully overthrowing Arya Penangsang, he was appointed King of Demak. He got the title "Hadiwijaya".

Hadiwijaya then moved the government to Pajang and succeeded in establishing the Pajang Kingdom. He succeeded in spreading Islamic teachings in the southern areas of Java. His territory also extends to East Java.

Arya Pengiri

Arya Pengiri ascended the throne to become King Pajang replacing Hadiwijaya. He ruled from 1583 - 1586. However, during the time in his hands, the Kingdom of Pajang experienced a decline. He is not wise in leading.

Because of this, his government was attacked by an alliance between Pengeran Benawa and Sutawijaya Mataram in 1588. Arya Pangiri resigned. Pajang power was then ruled by Prince Benawa.

Prince Benawa

Prince Benawa occupied the throne of the Pajang Kingdom after overthrowing Arya Pengiri. He ruled from 1586 - 1587. During his reign he had good cooperation with the Mataram Kingdom.

Prince Benawa only reigned for one year, then died. According to his wish, the Pajang Kingdom was then taken over by Sutawijaya Mataram.

Clear Crow

After Pangeran Benawa died, Pajang was under Matara. However, Pajang still has a king, namely the Clear Crow. Gagak Bening is a prince from Mataram.

While ruling, Crow Bening incessantly carried out overhaul and expansion of the palace. However Raven raven only briefly led from 1587-1591.

Prince Benawa II

After the death of Gagak Bening, the government of Pajang was held by Prince Benawa II, who was the grandson of Sultan Hadiwijaya. Prince Benawa led Pajang at a young age.

His reign was unremarkable without problems. It was only in 1617-1618 that many parties supported Pajang to break away from Mataram. Pangeran Benawa II then deployed troops to attack Mataram. However, the attack actually made Pajang lose and destroyed.

Relics of the Kingdom of Pajang

The Pajang Kingdom has several relics that can still be visited today.

Jaka Tingkir's grave

One of Pajang's legacy which is quite legendary is the Tomb of Jaka Tingkir. This grave is located in Need, Gedongan, Plupuh, Dusun II, Gedongan, Plupuh, Sragen Regency, Central Java.

The Tomb of Need is the name of this funeral complex. In the complex area there is a mosque called the Need Mosque

Laweyan Batik Village

Kampung Batik Laweyan is currently famous as a batik tourism village. This village complex is located in the Laweyan sub-district, Laweyan sub-district, Surakarta.

This village has existed since the era of the Pajang Kingdom in 1546. This village has an integrated village concept. The area of this village is 24 hectares and is divided into 3 blocks.

Leweyan Mosque Solo

Leweyan Mosque was founded by Joko Tingkir around 1546. The location of this mosque is in Dusun Belukan, RT. 04 RW. 04, Pajang Village, Pajang District, Surakarta. Next to the mosque are the graves of relatives of the Pajang Kingdom. There is the grave of Ki Ageng Henis, a spiritual advisor.

The mosque building is in the style of a combination of traditional Javanese, European, Chinese and Islamic. The building is divided into three parts, namely the main room (main), right foyer, and left foyer.

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