10 Best Foods For Hypertension Patients, Must Be Properly Processed

YOGYAKARTA Live the right diet, helping lower blood pressure. For people with hypertension, it is also important to have the best food list for daily consumption. Launching research published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information, Thursday, August 22, more than 1 billion people around the world are experiencing high blood pressure.

High blood pressure or hypertension, is recognized when the value of the systolic blood pressure is above 130 mmHg and the blood pressure is diastolic above 80 mmHg. Hypertension is included in the most common chronic medical condition characterized by persistent increase in arterial pressure. Hypertension, needs to be prevented and controlled, as it contributes to developing stroke, heart failure, and kidney failure. For people with hypertension, the following food is best consumed for everyday menus.

These two vegetables, spinach and Swiss sayos, are vegetables that can help control blood pressure. These vegetables are potassium and magnesium sources that support normal blood pressure levels. In a small study reported by Healthline, 27 people who consume 16.5 ounces of spinach soup experienced a decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure. However, further research is needed in a larger scope to show the validity of these findings.

Nuts and seeds have the potential to be good at blood pressure. Types of nuts and seeds that can be eaten as part of a balanced diet for blood pressure reduction, including chia seeds, labu seeds, walnuts, almonds, pistachio, and hemp seeds. In addition to nuts, pods are also good for hypertension. Such as lentils, beans, and nuts.

Fruits include blueberries, raspberry, wine,qur, and strawberries. Inducing clinical reviews in 2020, various types of berries reduce the systolic blood pressure by more than 3mmHg. Berry fruit is also rich in antioxidants, including anthocine that increases levels of nitrate in the blood and reduces the production of molecules that limit blood flow.

Cycle, sweet, and nutritious Carrots are vegetables that are enjoyed by many people. Carrots contain many plant-based compounds that may be involved in various health processes. Including managing blood pressure. A 2023 study found that hypertension is likely to drop 10 percent to consume every 100 grams of carrots, or 1 cup of raw carrots, which are eaten daily.

Tomatoes contain lycopene, including potassium. Likopen is associated with significantly maintaining heart health and reducing the risk of hypertension.

The content in broccoli is good for the health of the blood circulation system. broccoli contains flavonoid antioxidants that can help lower blood pressure by increasing blood vessel function and increasing nitric oxide levels in the body.

Indonesian cuisine cannot be used with spices and additional pepper in enriching taste. Spices and pepper are also beneficial for health. As in research, several herbs and spices help lower hypertension. Among them are celery seeds, ketumbar leaves, turmeric, lemongrass, black pepper, garlic, powder onions, chili powder, oregano, jinten, red chili, ginseng, cinnamon, kakulaga, kemangi, and ginger.

Kiwi fruit is high in vitamin C and contains other nutrients involved in blood pressure settings. These include fiber, potassium, and magnesium. Kiwi fruit provides plant polyphenols, these are antioxidant compounds that can help reduce risk factors for heart disease, including hypertension.

Eggs if consumed in the right portion, can help manage blood pressure. A 2023 study involving 2,349 adults in the United States found that eating five eggs each week is associated with a 2.5 mmHg lower SBP rate than people eating less than half an egg per week.

fat fish are a very good source of omega-3 and beneficial for the heart. This fat helps reduce inflammation and hypertension. According to research, consumption of foods with higher levels of omega-3 fat, including fish, can reduce the risk of high blood pressure in young adults who have no history of heart disease or diabetes.

In addition to the list above, choose meat without fat as the best food for people with hypertension. Low fat meat is a source of animal protein to meet the macronutrition the body needs. This type of meat can choose the chicken chest without skin or sirloin beef.