These 3 Political Parties Predicted To Become Anies Nyapres Vehicle In 2024

JAKARTA - The 2024 presidential election contest is still 3 years away. However, the name of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan is getting stronger as a potential candidate to advance in the 2024 election.

Even in the latest survey, Anies is in the first position to become a presidential candidate with a percentage of 15.2 percent. Passing a survey by West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil and Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo.

If Anies intends to run as a presidential candidate, of course the main conditions that must be met are the support of political parties and the number of seats in the DPR with certain criteria. So, which party will be Anies Nyapres' vehicle?

"Anies Baswedan, is one of the people who entered the NasDem Party's radar to become a presidential candidate," said political observer Andriadi Achmad to VOI, Friday, March 26.

According to Andriadi, this potential was because two years ago before the 2019 Presidential Election, Anies Baswedan had a meeting between Anies Baswedan and NasDem Chairman Surya Paloh at the DPP office of the NasDem Party, Menteng, Central Jakarta. The news is circulating, both of them are talking about the 2024 General Election.

Second, he continued, is the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS). Because, historically, PKS has been close to Anies for a long time. In fact, former PKS President Sohibul Iman has a close relationship with Anies because both of them were rectors of Paramadina University.

"Then the Jakarta Pilkada which supports PKS and Gerindra. PKS has an opportunity but is not sufficient, only 8 percent, it takes about 12 percent to reach 20 percent as a (requirement) for candidacy," explained the Executive Director of the Political Communication Studies and Research Center (PolCom SRC).

Because the results of NasDem and PKS if carrying singles are insufficient, Andriadi assessed that the two of them could form a coalition to bring Anies to be the 2024 Presidential Candidate.

"NasDem is also not enough, it could be a coalition, it could side by side to nominate Anies. But Anies' electability must skyrocket," said Andriadi.

Apart from the two political parties, according to him, Gerindra also has the opportunity to carry Anies. If, Prabowo Subianto does not return to run for the 2024 presidential election.

"Yesterday, the indications were still trying again (the third time. Ed). With Gerindra, Prabowo projected ( to become cawapres. Only many regretted that this happened because Anies Baswedan was no longer in his class as cawapres, but became a presidential candidate," he explained. Andriadi.

"Maybe it's the political parties that tend to support Anies," he added.

Previously, the Indonesian Political Indicator Survey Institute released a number of names that are expected to attract the most public votes in the presidential election (Pilres) in 2024. As a result, the name of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan took first place to become a presidential candidate with a percentage of 15.2 percent.

Meanwhile, in the second and third positions there are Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo and West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil.

"So if young people are asked the 17 names with the highest, even though the range of margin of error with Ganjar Pranowo, including Ridwan Kamil, in general there is no dominant name first. But the 17 names that are absolute highest are Anies Baswedan at number 15. , 2 percent, Ganjar 13.7 percent, the difference is insignificant, "said Executive Director of Indonesian Political Indicators Burhanuddin Muhtadi in an online survey release, Sunday, March 21, 2021.

Followed by Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno 9.8 percent, Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto 9.5 percent, and there is the name Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) at 4.1 percent.