As Ceremony Inspector, Atang Trisnanto Appreciates Paskibra Bogor City

The success of the Bogor City Flag-raising Troop (Paskibra) team at the ceremony to commemorate the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia and the flag-lowing ceremony in the afternoon, received appreciation from the Chairman of the Bogor City DPRD, Atang Trisnanto.Atang, who carried out the task of serving as a ceremony to lower the flag in commemoration of the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, assessed that the 36 Paskibra troops of Bogor City were a picture of the young generation of Bogor City who were disciplined, full of enthusiasm, and worked hard to carry out the heavy tasks given. "Thank you and high appreciation for Paskibra Bogor City who has carried out the task very well. The love of the homeland, hard work, discipline and togetherness that has been fostered since training have brought good results. Take this spirit with other young generations of Bogor City so that Indonesia Gold 2045 can be reached," said Atang after the ceremony, Saturday, August 17.

Atang also said that the Bogor City Paskibra is a picture of togetherness among its diversity. Because the Bogor City Paskibra consists of various backgrounds of schools, social, and religious. However, it is still able to present a unified movement in carrying out its duties. "Diversity is a necessity. Respect differences, especially against one's beliefs. It is clear in the first precept of Pancasila. We saw that those who used the hijab were also able to carry out their duties well, the same as the others", explained Atang. So Atang considered that diversity should not be intervened through discriminatory policies, especially those that actually fought religious teachings such as the national post-brake uniform rules some time ago.

On the other hand, policies must be able to accommodate and respect differences, and unite them in the spirit of nationality. "Diversity must be a strength as a nation. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Togetherness in diversity we must protect together," he concluded.