Maintain Blood Stock Stability, RSUD Dr. H. Jusuf SK Holds Blood Donation With SOEs And Private
TARAKAN Dalam memperkuat komitmen memberikan pelayanan kesehatan Rumah Umum Daerah (RSUD) dr. H. Jusuf SK bekerjasama dengan beberapa instansi pemerintah pusat, pemerintah daerah, swasta dan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) menyelenggarakan kegiatan donor darah.
This activity was carried out by the Blood Transfusion Unit (UTD) dr. H. Jusuf SK with PT. Pertamina EP. Tarakan Field, at the Mess Melati Hall of Pertamina EP Tarakan Field, Wednesday, August 21.
Head of UTD RSUD dr. H. Jusuf SK, Dr. Ronny expressed his gratitude and appreciation to all ranks of PT. Pertamina who also supported this positive activity.
"Today's blood donation activity with PT. Pertamina EP Tarakan Field, thank God it went smoothly and the number of donors exceeded the set target, namely as many as 64 bags of blood were successfully taken from the target 50," he said.
He said that joint activities with various parties were carried out regularly by UTD RSUD Dr. H Jusuf SK to meet the patient's blood needs, which reached 1000-1200 bags of blood per month.
This activity started from August 10 and 11, in collaboration with the Bank Indonesia (BI) Kaltara Representative Office, which managed to get 277 blood offices, then on August 12, 2024 with PT. Mandiri Inti Perkasa.
Then continued on August 14, 2024 from PT. Pertamina EP Bunyu Field, August 6, 2024 with representatives of the Kaltara Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) and today 21 August 2024 together with PT. Pertamina EP. Tarakan Field.
"Tomorrow, August 22, in collaboration with the UPTD KPH of Tarakan City, all activities will be held to commemorate the 79th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia," he explained.
Dr. Ronny said that blood donation activities are very useful because routine health screening will be carried out for donors. And donors will also be driven to form new blood, and donated blood will be able to save the lives of patients in need of blood.
"Our hope is that in the future, hopefully the agency can actively participate more in blood donation activities, not only to commemorate certain events but also to carry out routine blood donation activities a maximum of 6 times a year according to applicable regulations," he said.