Motif Pria Cekik Dan Berengkannya Di Lift Ternyata Karena Kesalak Dijak Selfie

JAKARTA - The Cengkareng Police finally arrested the perpetrator of the persecution with the initials MB alias Bintang (20) who had the heart to persecute his girlfriend, Alya (20) in the hotel Royal Palem elevator, Cengkareng District, West Jakarta. "The perpetrator MB was arrested at his parents' house in Ciledug, Tangerang," said West Jakarta Metro Police Deputy Chief, AKBP Teuku Arsya Khadafi when confirmed, Wednesday, August 21. AKBP Arsya said the victim actually had tried to mediate with the perpetrator. For almost one time month, Alya hopes that there will be good faith from Bintang, either in the form of an apology or a change in attitude. However, after no positive response from the perpetrator, the victim decided to report it to the police. "The victim asked that this incident be followed up immediately," he said. Meanwhile, the Cengkareng Police Chief, Kompol Hasoloan Situmorang, added that the motive for the perpetrator to abuse his lover was because he was upset. The incident was triggered by a debate during the moment when he graduated from his younger brother the perpetrator named Bintang. Alya, who spontaneously took pictures, made Bintang feel offended because he was not invited to take a photo together for his social media content. This triggers the perpetrator to become jealous and feel unappreciated. "From the debate regarding the photo, the victim felt uncomfortable and decided to leave the graduation event. When going to the elevator, the perpetrator who was very annoyed immediately committed violence against the victim by pushing, strangling, and slamming his body into a body. The elevator floor," he said. After the violence occurred, Alya had time to go down to the hotel basement and asked for help from security officers who immediately helped her. In addition to experiencing physical violence that caused bruises on several parts of her body, the victim also experienced deep psychological trauma. The perpetrator also had time to seize the victim's cellphone. As a result of his actions, the perpetrator named Bintang was charged with Article 351 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 2 years and 8 months in prison. "Despite the threat of punishment not more than 5 years, according to the provisions of Article 21 of the Criminal Procedure Code, we continue to detain based on the subjective authority of investigators," he said. Previously, it was reported that a woman with the initials A was a victim of abuse by her partner in a hotel elevator in the Cengkareng area, West Jakarta. The incident was caught on a CCTV camera in the elevator. Based on CCTV camera footage, the two men and women suspected of being lovers entered into a room the elevator at the same time. Then the female victim pressed the elevator button and was followed by the male couple. However, after the elevator door was closed, the perpetrator suddenly strangled the victim's neck and slammed it hard onto the elevator floor. The victim was slammed and fell on his back. Then both of them woke up and got out of the elevator. The victim then looked for help to the hotel security and reported the incident to the Cengkareng Police. Based on the data collected, victim A has been dating the perpetrator for 2 years and often has quarrels and persecution.