Late In Reporting The Company's Acquisition, Gojek Was Fined Rp.3.3 Billion By The KPPU

JAKARTA - The Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) fined PT Aplikasi Karya Anak Bangsa, aka Gojek, amounting to IDR 3.3 billion. This sanction was imposed because Gojek was late in reporting the acquisition of its company with PT Global Loket Sejahtera (

"GOJEK was legally and convincingly proven to have violated Article 29 of Law No. 5 of 1999 in conjunction with Article 5 of Government Regulation No. 57 of 2010. For this violation, the Commission Council sentenced GOJEK to pay a fine of Rp. 3.3 billion," said the KPPU's statement, quoted VOI, Friday, March 26.

The KPPU explained, this case started from the delay in notification of Gojek when it acquired most of the shares of PT Global Loket Sejahtera ( The acquisition took place in 2017. itself is a startup that is engaged in event creators. The panel considers that the acquisition transaction has been legally effective, it's just that Gojek did not report the takeover of shares to the KPPU.

"But Gojek just announced the share takeover notification to KPPU on February 22, 2019, so the Commission Council is of the opinion that Gojek has been late in notifying the share takeover for 347 days," explained the Head of the KPPU Public Relations and Cooperation Bureau, Deswin Nur.

In this case, Gojek is obliged to pay fines that must be deposited into the state treasury no later than 30 days after the KPPU's decision has permanent legal force (inkracht).

GoJek's response

Responding to the KPPU's decision, Gojek's VP Corporate Communications, Audrey Petriny said that his party had followed the entire process in KPPU on this case, and was still waiting for a copy of the official decision from KPPU.

"We are currently still waiting for the official copy (decision) from the KPPU. We can convey that Gojek is committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia," said Audrey in his short message.