Tax Revenue Target Rises In 2025 RAPBN, Ministry Of Finance Optimistic To Be Achieved

JAKARTA - The government revealed that in the 2025 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget Draft (RAPBN), tax revenues are targeted at IDR 2,490.9 trillion, an increase of 12.23 percent when compared to the outlook for the 2024 State Budget of IDR 2,218.4 trillion.

There are several types of taxes that will be a mainstay next year, namely tax revenues from Land and Building Taxes (PBB) of IDR 27.1 trillion and Other Taxes of IDR 7.8 trillion.

Furthermore, supported by, the Income Tax (PPh) is targeted at IDR 1,209.3 trillion, an increase of 13.84 percent compared to the 2024 outlook of IDR 1,062.3 trillion.

As well as Value Added Tax and (VAT) and Luxury Goods Sales Tax (PPnBM) of IDR 945.1 trillion, or an increase of 15.37 percent compared to the 2024 outlook of IDR 819.2 trillion.

The Director General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance, Suryo Utomo, said that his party had not discussed in more detail the tax revenue target in 2025.

Because in the future, the government and the DPR will discuss strategically to achieve this target.

"It has not been discussed, now it is only the plenary session for 2023. [The strategy] is clear extensification and intensification," he said after a meeting with the Banggar DPR RI, Tuesday, August 20.

According to Suryo, the moderation of commodity prices also affects tax donations from the corporate income tax, which is the main contributor in receiving income tax.

However, Suryo remains optimistic that tax revenues this year and next year will increase in line with hopes of improvements and improvements in commodity prices.

"PPh sees the dynamics of the economy, this year the economic condition of commodity prices has really decreased, the hope is that next year it will increase," he said.

Suryo explained that in the future if the economy and commodity prices improve, his party will continue to dynamicize or recalculate the PPh Article 25 installment (PPh Badan).