Do You Need To Extend Work And School Time From Home?

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo has issued an appeal to work, study and pray at home for two weeks to prevent the spread of the corona virus or COVID-19. The appeal, which came into effect on March 16, will soon be completed in the next few days.

However, the corona virus pandemic is still ongoing and has not shown a decrease in the number of cases. Therefore, Trubus Rahadiansyah's Public Policy Analysis supports the extension of the appeal.

"It must continue to be extended. The people's fear is already extraordinary. But the impact will be detrimental," Trubus told VOI, Friday, March 27.

This also refers to the government's policy as stated in the decision of the Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Doni Monardo Number 13 A of 2020 concerning the Extension of the Status of Certain Disaster Disaster Outbreaks of Corona Virus in Indonesia. This decree sets the disaster status for COVID-19 for 91 days or until May 29.

However, Trubus warned, there were negative impacts arising from the extension of the working and schooling period at this house. One of them is the economic condition of the community which will continue to decline.

The economic impact will be felt in the middle to lower class society. Especially for those who depend on work in the service sector. Although, the government has issued a statement that it will provide assistance to those affected, it is felt that this will not have much effect.

"Maybe it will help a little but not significant. The needs of each person are certainly different, as well as the amount of money required," said Trubus.

He suggested that the government and the private sector work together to find the best solution for the fate of society. The involvement of the private sector certainly needs to think about those who work in the service sector.

Educational practitioner Indra Charismiadji also hopes that teaching and learning activities from home should be extended. Referring to Permendikbud number 22 of 2016 concerning process standards, digital teaching and learning activities can be done anywhere and anytime.

Under these regulations, the teaching and learning process can use information and communication technology to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of learning. So, in the condition of the COVID-19 outbreak, teaching and learning time from home must be extended.

"For the good of all, it should be (extended). Everything has been regulated in the regulations," Indra briefly.