Tan Malaka And The Title Of The Father Of The Republic: Inspiration Of National Leaders Towards An Independent Indonesia

JAKARTA - Tan Malaka's hatred of colonialism is gone. He saw for himself the spread of injustice. The bumiputras are left stupid. His intention to become educators also burned. The Netherlands also formed him to fight through educational channels.

He built a People's School. The Netherlands was furious. Tan Malaka's movement was considered dangerous. He was exiled abroad. However, exile was not an obstacle for him. Tan Malaka has actually become the first initiator in writing the concept of the Republic of Indonesia.

Tan Malaka was one of the lucky figures in the Dutch colonial era. He may have been born in the small village of Pandang Gadang, Suliki, West Sumatra. However, his father's role as a prominent family and a native of the Dutch East Indies was Tan Malaka's way of getting education.

Tan Malaka was able to go to school and get good grades. His education was continued to the Kweekschool (Teacher school) in Bukittinggi. Ulam's beloved pinnacle arrives. Tan Malaka's extension caught the attention of a Dutch teacher, Horensma.

His teacher wants Tan Malaka to be able to receive education in the Netherlands. Hooray wants Tan Malaka to be equal to other European teachers in the archipelago. Thankfully it can be the principal. Classical problems arise: lack of funds.

Hooray has an idea. He began to invite the whole village of Tan Malaka to finance Tan Malaka's school in the land of the Windmills, the Netherlands. Everyone agrees. Funds for Tan Malaka known as Engku Fond were present. The aid is not just a kind of student loan.

Tan Malaka was then able to attend the Netherlands in 1913. He entered the Dutch Royal Teacher School in Haarlem, Rijkskweekschool. The process of getting his knowledge did not go smoothly. Tan Malaka is faced with the problem of climate differences between the archipelago and the Netherlands. He is often sick.

Tan Malaka also recovered, he tried to enjoy education and was in charge with freedom fighters in the Netherlands. He then returned to the archipelago as an educator who had the same status as the Dutch in 1920. Even though he did not process the diploma of the head teacher, the Koran became the principal.

"With a large salary and the same status as the Dutch, he got a teacher job for the coolie children of a contract at a tobacco plantation in Deli, East Sumatra. What was witnessed there was none other than the barbaric capitalism/colonialism system that treated the workers the same as animals. His experience of conflict in tana enam, heaven for the capitalists, but the homeland of deadly tears, hell for the proletary..

"The more he strengthens his confidence to move in the political struggle. After often fighting with Dutch colleagues and paying off the debts needed while in the Netherlands, in mid-1921 he decided to move to Java to deploy himself in the revolutionary movement with unanimous determination," said N. Oshikawa in the book 1000 Years of the Archipelago (2000).

His desire as an educator was then continued in Semarang. Tan Malaka is in partnership with the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) in Semarang. He became close to Semaun. This closeness resulted in the blessing of Tan Malaka to build a People's School in 1921.

Tan Malaka also led the school which was originally intended for children from members of Sarekat Islam Semarang. His business in the world of education received high appreciation. Many support his idea of establishing a People's School which was originally known as the Tan Malaka School.

People's schools are growing in various regions. In fact, being able to be independent. Alias or absence of Tan Malaka, the school can grow. Tan Malaka was also considered a figure who brought the bumiputras far from ignorance and earlier than Ki Hajar Dewantara, who had just created a Taman Siswa College in 1922.

Recently, Tan Malaka entered the political arena. He replaced Semaun as Chair of the PKI. The leadership of Tan Malaka was feared by the Dutch. Because, Tan Malaka was actually able to harmonize between Islamic and Communist groups. Tan Malaka saw that the two groups had the same enemy. There is no word but to unite.

He broke the myth that communists and Islam cannot unite. This condition made him exiled by Dutch colonialists in March 1922. Tan malaka began to venture. He visited the Netherlands, the Soviet Union, to China.

Tan Malaka has also written a brochure entitled Naar de Republishek Indonesia (Towards the Republic of Indonesia) in China in 1925. He was transformed into the first person to write the concept from the Republic of Indonesia.

He while showing the way for freedom fighters to make Indonesia independent. The freedom fighter he invited began to think about the matter of unity in achieving independence. The window was transformed into a pocket book for the struggle for independence held by the natives.

Soekarno, Hatta, Sjahrir, and Mohammad Yamin agreed. Tan Malaka also advised that independence is nothing but a culture and happiness for all the people in the world. Later, Tan Malaka will be known as the Father of the Republic. Even though he was executed by his own nation in 1949. Tan Malaka may die, but his thoughts and services will continue to last forever.

In the atmosphere of the Republic of Indonesia's independence, intelligence and social forces will develop faster and better. The enormous wealth gained by Indonesia's work will live in its own country.

The knowledge that is controlled and raped, which is now used for the benefits of Dutch land sharks, will later be able to develop and will be used for the benefit of the Indonesian people. Arts and libraries will only get land to grow. More certain and faster Indonesia will rise on the economic, social, intellectual and cultural fields," explained Tan Malaka in the brochureNaar de Republishek Indonesia (1925).