Task Force Pasti Blokir 1,001 Aplikasi Pinjol Hingga Investasi Bodong Selama 2 Bulan

JAKARTA - The Task Force for the Eradication of Illegal Financial Activities (Satgas Pasti) in the period June to July 2024 found and blocked 1,001 illegal entities that could potentially harm the community and violate the provisions for the distribution of personal data.

Sekretariat Satuan Tugas Pemberantasan Kegiatan Keuangan Ilegal OJK, Hudiyanto mengatakan, pada periode tersebut pihaknya telah menemukan 850 entitas pinjaman online ilegal di sejumlah situs dan aplikasi serta 59 konten penawaran pinjaman pribadi (pinpri) yang berpotensi merugikan masyarakat dan melanggar ketentuan penyebaran data pribadi.

"The Task Force must also block 65 illegal investment offers related to fraud committed by individuals using the mode of imitating or duplicating the names of products, sites, and social media belonging to licensed entities with the aim of committing fraud (impersation)," he explained in his official statement, Monday, August 19.

In addition, the Task Force must also find 27 entities that offer illegal investments or financial activities consisting of 11 entities committing fraud with a part-time job offering mode, 7 entities conducting investment offers without a permit; One entity carries out trading activities of crypto assets without a license and 8 entities carry out banking business activities without a permit.

Hudiyanto explained that related to these findings and after coordinating between members, the Task Force must have blocked and coordinated with law enforcement officials so that they could be followed up in accordance with applicable regulations.

From 2017 to 31 July 2024, the Task Force has suspended 10,890 illegal financial entities consisting of 1,459 illegal investment entities, 9,180 illegal/principal online loan entities, and 251 illegal pawning entities.

Hudiyanto conveyed that the Task Force must remind the public to always be careful, vigilant, and not use illegal online loans or personal loans because it has the potential to harm the community, including the risk of misuse of personal data from borrowers.

"The public is also asked to be aware of offers for activities or investments with the mode of impersonation on social media channels, especially Telegram," he said.

Furthermore, Hudiyanto conveyed that the Task Force must have received information regarding 43 bank accounts or virtual accounts reported related to illegal online loan activities.

"In connection with this, the Task Force must submit a blocking to the bank supervisory work unit in the OJK to immediately order the relevant banks to block it," he explained.

Based on the P2SK Law, it is stated that in supervisory duties, OJK has the authority to order banks to block certain accounts.

In addition to blocking bank accounts or virtual accounts, Hudiyanto conveyed that the Task Force must also find a collection party's WhatsApp number (debt collector) related to illegal online loans reported to have threatened, intimidated or other actions that contradict the provisions.

Following up on this, Hudiyanto conveyed that the Task Force must have submitted a blocking of 194 contact numbers to the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information.

"The blocking will continue to be carried out in coordination with the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information to suppress the illegal online loan ecosystem which is still troubling the public," he concluded.