Puan: Merdeka Must Be Felt By All Indonesian People
JAKARTA - The commemoration of the 79th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) is an important momentum for Indonesia. The chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, said that the people and all levels of Indonesian society must feel independence.
"The 79th commemoration of Indonesia's independence in 2024 must be a momentum for the state to ensure that Indonesia's independence is actually felt by all people," said Puan, Saturday, August 17.
Puan attended the commemoration ceremony for the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia which was held at the State Palace of the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN), Kalimantan, this morning. Puan, who is the grandson of the Proclaimer of the Republic of Indonesia, Sukarno, was lined up as a reader of the text of the proclamation in the proclamation ceremony of Indonesia's independence.
Appearing elegantly with the red Kartini Kebaya which symbolizes women's emancipation, Puan reads the text of the proclamation right at 10.00 WIB. Before the text of the proclamation was read, there were sound of sirens and explosions of 17 cannons at the commemoration ceremony of the 79th Indonesian Independence Day at the State Palace of IKN led by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).
Puan also emphasized the meaning of true independence is where all Indonesian people feel the development and progress of a nation that is equitable and inclusive. According to her, this means that the State continues the struggle of the heroes of independence to ensure that all Indonesian people feel welfare.
Freedom must be interpreted that all Indonesian people from all walks of life, from those who are still ignorant and have sufficient, from those who are educated to those who still do not have the opportunity to pursue higher education, can feel prosperity in the land of their own blood," said Puan.
Puan said that independence must also be equal to all genders and age groups of society.
"Both women and men, children, adults and parents, must be able to feel comfortable and safe living in Indonesia," explained the first woman to serve as Chair of the DPR RI.
During the Joint Session of the DPR and DPD RI in 2024 yesterday, Puan also specifically highlighted the importance of equality between women and men. This is because there are still many who have patriarchal thinking where women are considered weak and helpless.
As a result of the lack of support for women's participation, Puan said that it was as if there was only a 'His-story' and there was no 'Her-story' so that such a way of thinking and attitude had to be changed.
Nevertheless, Puan said that equality must still recognize and respect each other's different natures between women and men even though women and men have the same right to progress, be prosperous, work, excel, and equal rights in work as well as public positions.
Equality does not mean that women forget their nature, but regardless women have equal rights in building the nation and state. Women also have the right to get proper protection and are free from violence," said Puan.
Furthermore, the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture reminded that independence means that the State continues to strive to realize a better and more advanced life for all Indonesian people and elements of the nation. This, said Puan, includes ensuring that all levels of society feel justice in all aspects.
Freedom is not only for the elite, because this country belongs to all Indonesian people. How can all circles and social groups of society feel independent by being treated equally fairly," said Puan.
"Adil to the fulfillment of the basic rights regulated in the constitution, including the right to express and express opinions without any intimidation or fear of pressure," he continued.
Puan said that people's welfare as the goal of independence must be ensured for all groups and professions.
"Welfare must be created for civil servants, TNI/Polri, private employees, teachers and educators, workers, honorary staff, health and science workers, academics, farmers, fishermen, traders, including street vendors, entrepreneurs, business actors, MSMEs, pedicab drivers, online motorcycle taxis, ART, and other service providers," explained Puan.
"Just welfare must also be felt for tourism and creative industry players, experts in various fields, athletes and workers in the world of sports, journalists and media actors, to freelancers or freelancers and others," he continued.
Puan said that welfare must also be felt by housewives who have recently also been considered as professions. He said that state awards must also think about the welfare of housewives.
Many often see what housewives do with only one eye. Even though household chores never have a break, said Puan.
"The state must pay attention and appreciation to housewives, including housewives who also work, because they have contributed to educating the younger generation of the Indonesian nation's successors," he continued.
Not only that, Puan reminded that independence also means that all Indonesian people wherever they are can feel protected by the state and live a prosperous life.
Equitable welfare for all Indonesian people must be created in an independent country, both at the center to remote areas. Even welfare and protection for our society, Indonesian citizens who are abroad," he said.
Puan also highlighted that Indonesia will enter a transition period for the change of national leadership. He said this transition period could be used as well as possible to improve the quality of life of the Indonesian people.
"People must gain access to education, health, security, social and economic benefits throughout Indonesia, especially for the small people. By strengthening unity and mutual cooperation in facing the challenges that exist today, Indonesia can certainly be able to," said Puan.
Puan also invited all Indonesian people to continue to strengthen unity and mutual cooperation, especially in facing the nation's challenges because independence is the result of a common struggle.
"And as I have said before, building Indonesia is the task of all children of the nation and components of the nation, men and women, all generations; baby boomers generation, generation X, millennial generation, generation Z; all Indonesian people," he explained.
"Let's continue the spirit of mutual cooperation in building a better Indonesia, more advanced, and more prosperous for all in the spirit of Indonesian diversity and the framework of Pancasila. Dirgahayu Republic of Indonesia! Independence! " he added.
For information, the flag ceremony for the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia is the first time that Indonesia's independence commemoration has been held at the State Palace of IKN, East Kalimantan. The ceremony for the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia was commanded by Colonel Inf Nur Wahyudi, who graduated from the Military Academy or Military Academy in 2001. He is now the Commander of the Unit or Dansat 81 Kopassus.