COVID Task Force: BPOM Evaluates 16 Million Bulk Of Upcoming Sinovac Vaccines

JAKARTA - As many as 16 million Sinovac bulk vaccines have returned to Indonesia. Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, said that the new vaccine will be evaluated by the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM).

"This afternoon the Indonesian government officially received the arrival of 16 million doses of Sinovac vaccine. After this arrival, BPOM will conduct an evaluation of this vaccine to ensure its safety, quality, and efficacy," Wiku said in the Presidential Secretariat Youtube broadcast, Thursday, March 25. .

To date, Indonesia has received 53.5 million doses of vaccine in bulk form. Wiku said, the arrival of the bulk supply of COVID-19 vaccines was in line with the government's efforts to accelerate the COVID-19 vaccine.

Based on data from the Ministry of Health, the estimated supply of vaccines, both finished and bulk, in 2021 to June is approximately 50 million doses. Wiku said, this number is still an estimate, so it can still change.

"To ensure the complete fulfillment of the needs of the Indonesian people, the current government does not only rely on purchasing vaccines, but continues to boost domestic vaccine production," he explained.

Previously, Deputy Health Minister Dante Saksono Harbuwono said that the arrival of tens of millions of bulk from a company from China, Sinovac, was the seventh stage of all stages of vaccine arrival in the country.

"Of the 16 million, we cumulatively have 53.5 million vaccines, bulk vaccines," said Dante.

The availability of this vaccine, he continued, is vital in maintaining the vaccination program. So, with the return of this bulk vaccine, it will accelerate the delivery of vaccinations to the public.

"So that we will reach 181.5 million vaccines which we will target to achieve herd immunity or communal community immunity in a very short time," he said.