KSP: Rice Imports Will Not Be Done If Stock Is Still Safe

JAKARTA - Chief Expert of the Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) Dani Amrul Ichdan said the government would not plan to import rice if the stock was still safe and was entering the harvest period.

"The principle is one, imports are carried out if the figure is urgent within the (rice) reserve framework. Currently, based on data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Bulog, it is still sufficient," Dani said in a discussion in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Thursday, March 25.

According to Dani, the Ministry of Trade's initiative to plan to import one million tons of rice is just in case the projected harvest yields do not meet the target.

For this reason, he added, the government would only import rice if the conditions and circumstances allowed and if the conditions required it due to reduced supply.

"If the target is not achieved and the rice stock is below 1 million tonnes, while the need increases, such as the need for social assistance (bansos), it is likely that imports will increase," he said.

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He added that the government could implement the rice import policy under special circumstances to maintain the balance of the production, distribution and consumption ecosystem.

The purpose of these imports is to maintain the supply of rice if the stock is inadequate and prices do not increase due to the scarcity of goods.

"The government does not only look at production capacity, not only the (rice) stock, but also price stabilization," said Dani.