The Former Site Of History Of The Samudra Pasai In Aceh

JAKARTA - Samudra Pasai is believed to be the first Islamic kingdom in Indonesia. Based on historical sources of the Samudra Pasai Kingdom, there is some strong evidence that states its existence in the past.

Samudra Pasai, which is in the form of a sultanate, has another name, namely Samudera Darussalam. This royal territory is located on the north coast of Sumatra, or around the cities of Lhokseumawe and North Aceh.

Although there is no solid evidence regarding the existence of the Kingdom of Samudra Pasai in the past, several historical sources agree and are quite convincing that this kingdom ever existed and was in its heyday.

Marco Polo Describes the Pasai Ocean Region in Travel Notes

Although Marco Polo's version of notes still needs further research, he notes that he has ever visited the Kingdom of Samudra Pasai, which was previously the Kingdom of Perlak.

Marco Polo stopped at the coast of the Malacca Strait in 1292 and wrote that Ferlac or Perlak (Kingdom territory) was an area that was familiar with Islamic law.

Those who brought Islamic law and teachings to the Perlak region were Saracen traders (traders from Jarizah Arab). Previously, the Perlak people worshiped idols.

Samudra Pasai According to Ibn Batuthah's narrative.

The kingdom which was founded by Marah Silu in 1267 is also recorded in the book Rihlah ila l-Masyriq written by a Moroccan traveler Abu Abdullah ibn Batuthah.

Ibn Batuthah is known to have stopped at Samudra Pasai Kingdom in 1345. He said that when he was in China he saw the ship of Sultan Pasai.

Ibn Battuta Travel Route. (Image- history)

Ibn Battuthah's explanation was strengthened by the Chinese news which noted that the Pasai Kingdom envoy regularly came to China to hand over tribute.

In addition to China, other evidence states that Sultan Pasai also routinely sent envoys to Quilon, West India in 1282.

Tome Pires Mention "Pase" in His Book

A Portuguese explorer and herbalist, Tome Pires in his book Suma Oriental wrote that he had ever stopped in the Kingdom of Samudra Pasai.

Pires called the capital of the then kingdom as Pase, but by some it was called Camotora. He noted that the kingdom had large cities with dense populations.

Furthermore, Pires also explained related to commodity exports carried out by the Samudra Pasai Kingdom which was dominated by pepper and could export 8,000-10,000 bahar (1 bahar approximately 350 kilograms) per year.

Even though it can export 2,800 to 3,500 tons annually, the quality of pepper from the Samudra Pasai Kingdom, according to Pires, is no better than cochin pepper because it is not so big, hollow, does not last long, and has a less fragrant aroma.

The Kingdom of the Ocean in China News

The footprints of the Samudra Pasai Kingdom are also contained in the travel records of the Chinese people, which are written as hemispheric kola as well as shipping and trading destinations.

JV Mills in the book Chinese Navigations in Insulinde About AD 1500 explains that there are several Chinese shipping routes in the archipelago, one of which is Samudra Pasai or "Su-menta-la".

From Su-menta-la, the next Chinese route is Ch 'ieh-nan-mao or Pulau We. Furthermore, from Pulau We to Nan-wu-li or Lambri you will find ships sailing from Masulipatam and Quilon.

Samudra Pasai Kingdom, Strategic Location of Past Trade

In the past, Samudra Pasai Kingdom was a traveler's paradise because it had a beach market which was strategically located not far from Bandar.

As an entry point, Samudra Pasai presents dynamic transactions that bring together various nations. Interestingly, imported commodities there are more dominant than local ones.

Located in the Malacca Strait route, the name Samudra Pasai has received international attention in the past. The region is a stopover for long-distance shipping from India, Arabia and Africa.

Even though it was victorious in its time, the majesty of the Samudra Pasai Kingdom had to end when the Europeans came to the archipelago. John Middleton in the book World Monarchies and Dynasties wrote that the Pasai Ocean Kingdom collapsed after the Portuguese attacked in 1521.

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