Ministry Of Trade: Modern Retail Alami Transformation, Now Also Managing Online Stores

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade revealed that modern retail has undergone a transformation since the COVID-19 pandemic until now. Where, initially retail offers goods through stores, now through digital or online.

Head of the Trade Policy Agency of the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag), Kasan Muhri, said modern retail shops have rarely been visited by the public since the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, he said, people prefer to buy necessities online or online.

"During COVID-19, from 2020 to 2022, the notes I experienced, online did replace it, but the portion was not as significant as a whole," Kasan said at the Gambir Trade Talk event, Wednesday, August 14.

Even so, Kasan said that online transactions could not be said to replace the total sales portion.

"This means that online transactions, including in modern retail, are less than the whole of the economic sector, where this is trade, especially in retail," he said.

After the COVID-19 pandemic, continued Kasan, modern retailers in market shopping centers began to be abandoned. He said the phenomenon occurred globally, and while in Indonesia it has not been seen.

Modern retail phenomena in the retailers in the big building began to be abandoned. Maybe only in a few countries including Indonesia, the mall lifestyle phenomenon is still large. But in developed countries it has begun to be abandoned," he said.

According to Kasan, modern retailers in several countries, including in Indonesia, are still quite in demand. However, he said, modern retail entrepreneurs are currently starting to manage stores online.

"What will this transformation in the modern retail sector look like in the future? Does it still rely on online transactions, so the stores exist, and there are more transactions online," he explained.