Kiki Saputri Doesn't Mention The Name Of A Comedian Who Refuses To Be Roasted, Why Is Nathalie Holscher Baper?

JAKARTA - Kiky Saputri appeared in the Talk Bang Denny chat on Denny Sumargo's YouTube channel which was uploaded March 21. In the video, Kiky shares his experience as a stand-up comedy. One of them is the challenge of being a stand-up.

Kiky Saputri shared his experience with a comedian whom he said was feared by the television crew. Because the senior comedian has a tough temper. Kiky carefully prepared the roasting material, but before the comedian appeared, the comedian chose not to want to be roasted.

Roasting is a joke that aims to make fun of and laugh at whoever it is being targeted. Kiky also did not mention the details of the comedian's name and on what event it happened. "I just brought one, set set set, then thanks 'I'm Kiki Saputri',

"Yes, then he said 'roasting me too'", explained Kiki Saputri.

"He will," explained Denny Sumargo.

"He wanted it, I took the mic, was creative in front of like 'no, no'," said Kiki, imitating the creative cross-arm movement that forbade him.

"I'm like an idiot," said Kiki.

Netizens are also trying to guess who the comedian is. They are looking for a video clip of Kiki while filling in the Sule and Andre show on Net TV. Just like what Kiky Saputri told me, when roasting Andre Taulany,

Andre looked relaxed. When Kiky was about to close his part, Sule asked Kiky to join in roasting himself too. However, he chose to remain silent like a confused person in front of the camera.

It turns out that the upload of netizens made Nathalie Holscher feel excited. It seemed stifling when her husband, Sule, was showered with scathing comments because they were linked to the story of Kiky Saputri.

"Public figures are also human beings, where there are times when the mood or problems they are experiencing. So if the story is not too hasty, passionate about emotions. Just relax, her name is also alive," wrote Nathalie in Insta Story.

He then waited for Kiky Saputri to appear on Sule's YouTube podcast to launch his roasting. "Her sister is sick, waiting for news of recovery. Ready to roast my husband in Sulpod. See you, get better soon," wrote Nathalie Holscher.