Kejari Nagan Raya Execution Cambuk 5 Napi Judi Online

NAGAN RAYA - Nagan Raya District Attorney's Office, Aceh, has completed the execution of the caning sentence for five convicts in a gambling case centered in the yard of the local district attorney's office.

"This caning is carried out as an effort to support the acceleration of the government's online gambling eradication," said Head of the Intelligence Section of the Nagan Raya District Attorney's Office, Achmad Rendra Pratama, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 13.

During the execution, acting as the executor prosecutor was the Head of the General Crime Section of the Nagan Raya District Attorney's Office, Ahmad Buchori.

The caning was carried out following up on the decision of the Syar'iyah Court Suka Makmue Number: 5/JN/2024/MS.Skm who sentenced Yahdi (48 years) to caning, a resident of Alue Tho Village, Seunagan District, Nagan Raya Regency, six lashes.

Prosecutors also conducted Zainuddin (47 years), a resident of Keude Seumot Village, Beutong District, Nagan Raya Regency, six lashes; Ibnu Hajar (44 years), a resident of Padang Village, Seunagan District, Nagan Raya Regency, six lashes.

Then the convict Saiful Bahri (37 years), a resident of Cot Lhe Lhe Village, Seunagan District, Nagan Raya Regency, was given six lashes.

"Especially for these four convicts, they should have been lashed 10 times, but because they have served a prison term, the sentence has been reduced four times to six lashes," said Rendra.

In addition, the Nagan Raya District Attorney's Office also carried out the decision of the Syar'iyah Suka Makmue Court Number: 8/JN/2024/MS.Skm which sentenced Andri Faheri Emangga (23 years), a resident of Serbaguna Village, Darul Makmur District, Nagan Raya Regency, as many as nine lashes.

"Andri was previously sentenced to 10 lashes and has been cut to prison," said Rendra.

He said the five convicts were previously declared legally and guilty of committing the jurimahmaisir, as regulated in Article 18 of Aceh Qanun Number 6 of 2014 concerning Jinayat Law.

Rendra said the implementation of the caning was an effort to support the acceleration of eradicating online gambling as stated in Presidential Decree Number 21 of 2024 concerning the Online Gambling Eradication Task Force.

"Hopefully the punishment can be a lesson for the convicts and other Nagan Raya communities to avoid and leave gambling activities," said Achmad Rendra.