Suzuki Trada And Ub Advertise The Title Of Kopdar Merdeka, Involve Hundreds Of Participants From The Suzuki Community

JAKARTA - PT Sejahtera Buana Trada (STB) or called the Suzuki Trada Group held the Kopdar Merdeka event, which aims to introduce the public about STB as one of the largest Suzuki authorized dealers in Indonesia.

This event is also supported by Publish as an application-based technology company that allows companies to present product ads, events or use private vehicles as advertising media.

At this event, more than 100 participants came from several communities. Not only as a medium for the introduction of the Suzuki Trada Group to the wider community, this event is also a gathering event for community members in the Jabodetabek area.

Carrying the theme of independence this August, the Suzuki Trada Group and Ub advertising intend to officially enlarge its business market through the cooperation being established. The highlight of this activity is the convoy of 20 4-wheeled vehicles starting from the Suzuki Trada Pulogadung, heading to the Suzuki Trada Puri Indah.

"We have made this activity to better introduce the Suzuki Trada Group to the wider community that we as the largest Suzuki authorized dealer in Indonesia are ready to compete, commit to customers, and provide extraordinary services for our customers, and with this collaboration, we hope that the public can get to know more about Suzuki products and the services in our Aftersales," said the National Coordinator After Sales of PT. Sejahtera Buana Trada Group Santoso, in an official statement received, Tuesday, August 13.

On the same occasion, COO Ub advertising Christian Tirtowidjojo hopes that more people will know the company better and the benefits provided.

"Good cooperation with the Suzuki Trada Group, hopefully it will continue, and can benefit each other on both sides," said Christian.

Kopdar independence is the opening ceremony of the official collaboration between the Suzuki Trada Group and Ub advertising, which will continue in the future, and is likely to continue in other events.