Prosecutors Receive SPDP Case 4 Head Of Student Organization In Medan Suspect Of Extortion
The Medan District Attorney (Kejari), North Sumatra received a notification letter for the start of the investigation (SPDP) on suspicion of extorting four heads of student organizations who were caught in a hand arrest operation (OTT) in Medan City.
"We have received SPDP in the alleged extortion case with four suspects," said Medan Kejari Head Muttaqin Harahap, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 13.
The four heads of the student organization had the initials IP (24), DASR (26), AHS (24), and MAS (23) which were handed over by Medan Polrestabes investigators, Monday (12/8).
The four students were detained at the Medan Police Headquarters, but their detentions have been suspended at the request and guarantees of each of the suspect's families.
"In this case, we appointed five research prosecutors, namely Deny Marincka Pratama as the Head of the Medan Kejari Pidum, Trian Adhitya Ismail, Tommy Eko Prasetyo, Novalita Endang Suryani Siahaan, and Risnawati Ginting," he said.
Furthermore, said Muttaqin, the research prosecutor will study the file, both formally and materially.
Including ensuring that all processes carried out starting from investigations, examinations, and investigations are appropriate.
"The files of the four suspects will be investigated by the prosecutor's team, and in the next 14 days the next steps will be determined again," he said.
In the SPDP, the four suspects were charged with Article 368 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code concerning extortion.
"This case occurred on Sunday (4/8) at 20.57 WIB, on Jalan Sei Silau, Padang Bulan Selayang Village, Medan Selayang District, Medan City, to be precise at the Seis Cafe," said Muttaqin.
Medan Police have suspended the detention of the four heads of student organizations in Medan City who have been named suspects on suspicion of extortion.
"Four people who have been named as suspects in their case are still in progress," said Head of Public Relations of Medan Police Iptu Ade Nizar Nasution, in Medan, Monday (12/8).
Currently, the four suspects have been detained by investigators with various considerations.
Among them, the suspect is a student, then there is a request for a suspension of detention from his parents, and the perpetrator continues to carry out mandatory reporting during the investigation process.
"This is also regulated in Article 31 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code, however, the case continues and the suspects are subject to mandatory reporting," said Nizar.