Former Legislator Miryam S Haryani Silenced After Being Examined Since Morning Regarding E-KTP

JAKARTA - Former DPR member Miryam S. Hariyani chose to take a thousand steps after being questioned by investigators from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) today. He did not make any statements when he left the KPK's Red and White building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta.

Based on observations in the field, Miryam finished undergoing an examination at around 16.50 WIB. He was seen wearing a pink headscarf with a mask.

Meanwhile, KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardika said Miryam was asked about the alleged corruption in the Electronic KTP procurement project (e-KTP).

"In his capacity as a examinee," Tessa told reporters at the KPK's Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Tuesday, August 13.

Meanwhile, regarding Miryam's absence because he was one of the suspects in this case, Tessa did not want to answer further. He said investigators must have considerations.

"That the detention there are conditions and conditions, for example (worried, ed) the person concerned fled, eliminating the barbuk was in the investigator's authority. If he leaves (not detained, ed) of course the investigator or superior still has not decided that sister MSH needs to be detained today," he said.

Miryam is believed not to repeat his actions to run away from the legal process as when he was named a suspect in the obstruction to the investigation of the e-KTP case. Tessa said that the KPK had asked the Directorate General of Immigration at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham).

The information I got in question has been prevented from leaving the country. (Prevention since, ed) in February. I said earlier that if I'm not mistaken, we'll check again later," said the spokesman with the investigator's background.

Previously reported, this case of corruption in the procurement of e-KTP has cost the state up to Rp2.3 trillion if referring to the report of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). This case dragged the names of a number of high-ranking officials in the ministry such as former Director General of Dukcapil Irman and former officials at the Ministry of Home Affairs Sugiharto. In addition, there is also the name of former Chairman of the DPR Setya Novanto, former member of Commission III DPR Fraction Hanura Miryam S Haryani, former member of Commission III DPR Markus Nari. The last time the KPK named four new suspects in the e-KTP case in August 2020. They are former member of Commission II DPR from the Hanura Party faction, Miryam S Haryani, President Director of the Indonesian State Printing Corporation (PNRI) as well as Chairman of the Consortium of PNRI Isnu Edhi Wijaya, Chairman of the Information Technology Technical Team for the Application of KTP Husni Fahmi, and President Director of PT Sandipala Arthaputra, Paulus Tanos.