Women In Hijab Dragged 100 Meters While Trying To Keep Their Cellphones Snatched

BOGOR Wulan, a young woman in Bogor, West Java experienced an unfortunate incident. The woman wearing a hijab was dragged 100 meters while defending her cellphone from a robbery using a motorbike, in Bantar Kemang, Baranangsiang, East Bogor, Sunday afternoon, August 11.

Wulan said that the bitter incident that she experienced began when she was shopping for vegetables at a traditional market not far from the Astana Bantar Kemang public cemetery (TPU), Bogor City, West Java.

Shortly thereafter, the perpetrator came on a motorbike, approaching Wulan, pretending to be shopping.

"Keep going down, choose which one to choose the anchovy. When he returned to the motorbike, his cellphone and wallet were already held by him," Wulan said when confirmed, Monday, August 12.

Knowing that the wallet and cell phone were taken by the perpetrator, Wulan immediately held the handle behind the motorbike to detain the perpetrator from being able to escape. But unfortunately, the 27-year-old woman was unable to contain the perpetrator's automatic motorbike. As a result, Wulan's body was dragged by the motorbike 100 meters away.

"When I was in front of Indomaret, I just let go, so it rolled around," he said.

Wulan suffered wounds all over her body, ranging from her face, hips, back, hands and elbows.

"The pain is yes, this is the body. But residents help me directly, take me home. Now it's still sick," he said.

Kasatreskrim Bogor City Police, Kompol Luthfi Olot said he was aware of the incident. His party conducted an investigation to find out the identity of the perpetrator.

"We have checked with the ranks. The victim has not reported yet, but we have directed the Criminal Investigation Unit and Opsnal to go to the TKP," he said.