DKI Pemprov Prepares Hotels To Be A Resting Place For Health Workers

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government transformed and operated the Grand Cempaka Business Hotel owned by the Jakarta Regional Owned Company (BUMD), PT Jakarta Tourisindo, as a resting place for medical personnel handling the COVID-19 outbreak. This rest area was operational since Thursday, March 26th.

"A total of 220 rooms containing 414 beds have been prepared," said DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan in a statement on his Facebook account, Thursday, March 26.

Since it was operationalized, said the former Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud), there were 138 medical personnel from the Tarakan Regional Hospital and Pasar Minggu Hospital starting to stay there.

The plan is that apart from the Grand Cempaka Business Hotel, there will be three other BUMD-owned hotels that will function as a resting place for medical personnel. The total rooms that will be provided are 261 additional rooms and 361 beds.

"All supporting facilities are specially prepared to protect and serve medical personnel. Each room is regularly cleaned with disinfectants. Food is provided in boxes, disinfectant booths are provided outside the entrances and exits," said Anies.

To support transportation facilities, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has provided 15 TransJakarta buses and 50 school buses to pick up medical personnel.

Anies added, for hotels who want to help provide hotel rooms, please contact Bagus (087782999675) and Deandra (081289054859).

Meanwhile, people who want to help provide food, masks and sanitizers can contact Luthfi (082118554122) and Daniel (081268847772) or can visit the website for more detailed information.

Previously reported, data on Wednesday, March 25, the number of positive cases of COVID-19 continues to increase to 105 cases. So that it is also totaled, the number of positive cases of corona to date has reached 790 people. Meanwhile, the number of patients who died reached 58 people and those who recovered were 31 people.