Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Coordinates With Myanmar Authorities Regarding News Of Indonesian Citizens Being Arrested And Tortured

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) will coordinate with the Myanmar Authority regarding an Indonesian citizen (WNI) named Suhendri alias Hendri (39) allegedly being held captive and tortured by a group of people whose identities are not yet known in Thailand.

Young Diplomat Direktorat Pelindungan Warga Negara Indonesia Kementerian Luar Negeri, Rina Komaria mengatakan pihaknya telah menerima laporan tersebut.

"The complaint has been submitted to us," said Rina when confirmed, Sunday, Monday 12.

Rina said that for now the complaint had been handled by the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) Yangon.

"(Currently) it is handled by the Indonesian Embassy in Yangon," he said.

Regarding the follow-up of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the case, said Rina, her party is coordinating with the Myanmar authorities so that they can find locations for victims of confinement and torture.

"Coordination with the Myanmar authorities. The area is a conflict area so the process is complex," he said.

Rina hopes that despite limited access in Myanmar conflict countries, the Indonesian government can help to the maximum so that trapped victims can return safely.

"Amid the limited access and complexity of the situation in conflict areas, the Indonesian government through the Indonesian Embassy in Yangon continues to strive so that Indonesian citizens in the area can come out safely," he concluded.

Previously, Yohana, the mother of a suspected victim of torture and confinement in Myanmar, named Suhendri alias Hendri (39) admitted that she was worried about her son's condition.

He said the perpetrator threatened to amputate Hendri's hands and feet if the ransom of Rp. 500 million was not fulfilled by the family.

"Yes, it will be amputated (if not redeemed in the near future)," said Yohana when met at her home, Petukangan area, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, Sunday, August 11.

Meanwhile, Daniel Hendri's cousin asked the government to help return his brother to Indonesia.

"If it's from the police, it's not the realm (reducing Hendri). We have consulted, the authority is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, BP2MI, the Indonesian Embassy," he said.

For your information, Hendri (39) is suspected of being kidnapped by a group of people whose identities are not yet known. Initially, Hendri was lured by a job in Thailand with a salary of Rp. 150 million by his friend, Risky, in a stock company, Jakarta.

"10,000 USD. Facilities are borne, eat, drink, all covered. Thailand, Bangkok for the first beginning of the promise, "said Daniel, Hendri's cousin, when met at his home in the Petukangan area, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, Friday, August 9.

Arriving in Thailand, Hendri was actually taken by four foreigners suspected of originating from India and Malaysia.

Daniel said that Hendri occasionally contacted his family with bad news. He admitted that he was tortured and asked for Rp500 million to go home. Not only that, Hendri asked his family for Rp18 million to stop the torture he was offering.