Directorate General Of Construction For Onsite TKK Certification Facilitation At IKN

JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Construction Development through the Construction Services Center Region V Banjarmasin collaborated with all Technical Organizational Units at the Ministry of PUPR to organize onsite construction workforce certification and facilitation activities (TKK) in the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN).

The activity itself began on 10-16 August 2024, with the choice of work positions and levels that suit the needs in the field.

In his direction, as stated in Jakarta, Sunday, Director General of Construction Development Abdul Muis conveyed that the competency certification of construction work is a guarantee that a construction worker meets work competency standards and has skills, knowledge, and work attitude.

The certification is needed to carry out tasks in construction work properly and safely so that the rate of work accidents and failure of construction work can be avoided and can produce quality infrastructure.

"The construction of IKN certainly requires a large number of construction workers so that the preparation of trained, skilled, professional, and certified construction workers is our common task in order to make infrastructure development successful at IKN," said Director General of Construction Development of the Ministry of PUPR Abdul Muis as reported by ANTARA, Sunday, August 11.

The activity was carried out in 21 locations, of which 18 locations are located in the IKN area and three locations outside the IKN area, namely the construction of the 3A, 5A and 6B toll roads.

The activity was attended by 2,497 participants consisting of certification of construction workers level 1 to 7 as many as 2,243 people and a refreshment of experts level 8 and 9 as many as 254 people.

All of them are construction workers who work at the Jasa Konstruksi Business Entity who are involved in the IKN infrastructure development project which includes the water resources organization sectors/units, margas development, creating works, and housing.

Abdul Muis hopes that construction workers who have been declared competent in this activity can continue to make high-quality contributions and work results in the implementation of construction services wherever they work.

In addition, to fulfill the mandate of Law Number 2 of 2017 concerning Construction Services and PP Number 14 of 2021, every worker who works in the construction service sector must have a work competency certificate and every service user and/or service provider must employ a construction worker who has a work competency certificate.

The Ministry of PUPR continues to support the provision of construction workers through improving the competence and quality of national construction human resources (HR) with the aim of increasing competitiveness in competing, both on a national and global scale and supporting quality infrastructure development.