Designer: Garuda IKN Palace Design Involves 44 Experts For Security

JAKARTA - The designer or designer of the Garuda Palace, the capital city of the archipelago (IKN) Nyoman Nuarta revealed that the palace design involved 44 experts, in order to create aspects of building security and resilience that would become a national symbol.

"They think that all kinds of things I do. Gelek is really thinking like that. This work is from our team, there are 44 people (there are) professors, doctors, land experts, all kinds of experts are there," said Nyoman when contacted by ANTARA, in Jakarta, Saturday (10/8).

Nyoman explained that the team involved consisted of professors, doctors, land experts, and various other specialists who contributed to ensuring that the palace design was not only beautiful, but also safe and functional.

He added that in the design process, many technical aspects require special expertise. For example, when discussing heat and indoor thermal conditions.

He relies on experts who use advanced software such as geometric smarts to do research and testing.

"That's right from me, but the proof is that I can't afford it, I'm not an expert. For example, the room is hot, how much is the room thermal? When asked that I can't answer, the expert answered me," he also said.

Nyoman also emphasized that this project not only emphasizes beauty and authority, but also security. According to him, the security aspect is very important, especially considering that the Garuda Palace will be a place for high-ranking state officials and international guests.

He stressed that security is a top priority. For example, if the President of the United States comes to the Garuda IKN Palace, of course they will ensure that the security aspect is fulfilled before coming.

"I designed it, I designed the structure, but calculated it, for example the thickness of steel must be that much, this plate must be 3 cm, it must be 4 cm, it is the experts who know the calculation. But I gave the design," he explained.

The design and structure of the Garuda Palace not only considers artistic aspects, but also technical. Nyoman explained that although he designed the structure, detailed calculations such as steel thickness were carried out by experts who understood the intricacies.

Nyoman also highlighted the importance of using local products in this project, in accordance with regulations on the Domestic Component Level (TKDN). The steel used, for example, was purchased from Krakatau Steel, and the manufacturing process was carried out at large domestic steel factories.

"Now our architects are taught that? Are these young people who say that these criticisms understand that it is rich. So, it cannot be done by itself, there are infrastructure experts," he also said.