OJK North Sumatra Says There Are 3 Companies To Be Listed On The Exchange Next Year

SIMALUNGUN - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) of North Sumatra (North Sumatra) revealed that there are at least three companies from North Sumatra that will conduct an initial public offering (IPO).

Head of OJK North Sumatra, Khoirul Muttaqien said, so far there have been 11 issuers from North Sumatra who have been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).

"Until next year there will be at least three IPO candidates in North Sumatra," he said in Media Gathering entitled "Increasing Literacy and Financial Inclusion Supports Protection of Consumers and Communities" in Parapat, North Sumatra, quoted on Saturday, August 10.

He said the three companies would take the floor in 2025 and come from the health, property and real estate sectors to infrastructure.

"The first stage is hospital health, the second is related to electricity or water and then real estate," explained Khoirul.

Khoirul further explained the performance of the capital market in North Sumatra. He said investors in the capital market continued to increase, as seen from the increasing number of SID accounts.

It was recorded that until May 2024, the number of Single Investor Identification (SID) accounts reached 592,876, an increase of 15.47 percent on an annual basis or year on year (yoy).

Regarding share ownership, Khoirul said that investor-owned share ownership in North Sumatra tends to decline due to several institutional stocks that released significant amounts of shares, while retail investors grew quite high

Meanwhile, the highest number of investors per instrument is occupied by mutual funds of 558,573 or an increase of 16.06 percent, followed by shares of 270,594 or an increase of 20.50 percent and finally Government Securities (SBN) amounted to 57,059 or an increase of 21.10 percent.

Finally, the euphoria of stock transactions that occurred after the pandemic began to recede. This can be seen from the value of the sloping share transactions since the end of 2022. As for the end of 2023, the total accumulation of share transactions can exceed the total pre-pandemic in line with the accelerated stock literacy.