Fraud Rises In The Financial Sector, OJK Wants To Form Anti-Scam Center

SIMALUNGUN - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) is known to form an anti-scaming center to combat fraud that is currently rife in the financial sector.

The Chief Executive of the Behavior Supervisory of Financial Services, Education and Consumer Protection OJK, Friderica Widyasari Dewi, said that actually this anti-scaming center is nothing new in the financial industry because several countries already have this system.

"In other countries, it already exists. If we look at Singapore, we already have it," said Kiki, Frederica's nickname to the media crew in Prapat, North Sumatra, Saturday, August 10.

Kiki explained that this ASC is a form of cooperation between the Task Force for the Eradication of Illegal Financial Activities (Certainly) and other relevant institutions to coordinate in realizing rapid handling of fraud in the financial sector.

"With the anti-scam center, we hope to prevent greater losses and pursue fraud perpetrators more effectively," continued Kiki.

According to him, in overcoming the form of fraud, cooperation and collaboration of various institutions are needed to strengthen the mechanism for preventing and handling scams.

"All parties, including 16 Ministries and Institutions, as well as the banking sector, will work together to protect the public from scams," he said.

Kiki said this system will also involve payment systems and marketplaces to improve the detection and handling of fraud.

"In the future, we want to invite the payment system and marketplace to work together in this initiative so that fraud can be handled comprehensively," he added.

This anti-scam center, said Kiki, will be subjected to a soft launching process this month before an official launch will be carried out.

"Later on, we will not only try to block it or prevent greater losses, but we hope that we can also catch up with the perpetrator," concluded Kiki.