Bank Muamalat And PP Muhammadiyah Establish Cooperation, BPKH: Expand The People's Benefit Program

JAKARTA The Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH) welcomes the cooperation between its subsidiary, Bank Muamalat and Muhammadiyah Central Leadership (PP). The collaboration was carried out to expand the benefit program of the people.

This collaboration was marked by the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the two, namely the Director of Bank Muamalat, Karno and General Chairperson of PP Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir.

Head of the BPKH Implementing Agency, Fadlul Imansyah, said that this collaboration covers two main scopes. First, the use of services and the Muamalat bank Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program to support the development of branches, branches, and mosques managed by Muhammadiyah.

Second, he continued, the Muamalat bank will cooperate with the national zakat institution owned by Muhammadiyah, Lazismu, in various programs that focus on financial management and zakat support.

"This cooperation is an important step to expand the benefit program of the people," he said in an official statement, Friday, August 9.

Fadlul said that previously BPKH had also supported programs related to the problems of the people. For example, the establishment of the At-Tanwir Mosque in Menteng.

"Then, the Muallimin Islamic Boarding School and West Bandung Hospital are clear evidence of the synergy between BPKH and Muhammadiyah," said Fadlul.

Fadlul said the prototype of this collaboration is expected to bring significant benefits in advancing, educating, and prospering the nation.

"With this strategic step, BPKH hopes to continue to contribute to improving the quality of life of the people through various initiatives that focus on the common good," he said.

Semarar informasi, sebagai bagian dari kerja sama ini, Bank Muamalat berkomitmen menyediakan pembiayaan Rp2 triliun untuk pengembangan Amal Usaha Muhammadiyah (AUM), yang meliputi rumah sakit, perguruan tinggi,kos pesantren, dan masjid.

Another important aspect is the management of finance and Hajj aggregator programs. Bank Muamalat will socialize and manage Hajj-related finances within Muhammadiyah, to ensure a safe, affordable, and easily accessible process by pilgrims.