The Death Of The Former Regent Of Jembrana Bali And His Wife Is Still A Mystery

DENPASAR - Police are still investigating the cause of death of former Jembrana Regent, Bali, Ida Bagus Ardana (84) and his wife AA Sri Wulan Trisna (64).
The Head of Public Relations of the Bali Police, Kombes Jansen Avitus Panjaitan, confirmed that the victim who was found dead was Ida Bagus Ardana, a former Regent of Jembrana for the 1980-1990 period.
"The information is like this (former Regent of Jembrana). The exact cause of death is still under further investigation," said Kombes Jansen, Friday, August 9.
The police said Ida Bagus Ardana was found dead at the kitchen door. Meanwhile, his wife died on the bed.
"The two bodies have emitted an unpleasant odor and have rotted," he said.
The discovery of the body of the former Regent of Jembrana took place on Thursday, August 8 evening at his house in Setan, South Denpasar.