Hutama Karya Provides Clean Water Facilities For Thousands Of Families In Batu Village Quoted By Dumai

JAKARTA - Batu Teritip Village, Sungai Sembilan District, Dumai, Riau Province, which is located adjacent to the lips of the Santaulu Coastal Coast, causes groundwater conditions that are not suitable for consumption for 2,314 heads of families or 4,164 people, as the resulting water tends to be cloudy and salty. Not evenly distributed and still low needs for the provision of clean water facilities and suitable consumption in Dumai City, precisely in Batu Teripip Village, due to the village position which is quite far from clean water sources and if using water sources from bore wells it tends to be cloudy, forcing the public to buy refilled water for consumption purposes.

Responding to the community's needs, through the Clean Water Facilities Provision Collaboration program for Batu Teritip Village, PT Hutama Karya (Persero) (Hutama Karya) together with other State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Karya, namely PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero), PT Nindya Karya and PT Indra Karya (Persero) have conducted a survey, followed by the construction of clean water facilities from October 30, 2023 to May 31, 2024.

Inaugurated use on Thursday, August 8, Hutama Karya handed over a unit of Clean Water Facilities, which was received directly by the Village Head of Batu Tertip Village, Firmanto, S.Sos. Executive Vice President (EVP) Corporate Secretary Hutama Karya Adjib Al Hakim said that through this program, it is hoped that it will improve the quality of healthy living and the consumption of clean water suitable for use in the people of Batu Tertip Village.

We submit a clean water facility unit consisting of a water pump engine, a water filtering machine, and 2 toren units with a capacity of 2000 liters each installed in a clean water building. People who have been depending on non-pipeline water such as refilled water, pump well water, or dug well water, no longer need to travel long distances or spend more money to buy refilled mineral water and are suitable for consumption to meet their daily water needs," explained Adjib.

Adjib further explained that in the process of working on the construction of clean water facilities, all of them involved human resources from the surrounding communities and used the methods they developed themselves.

"After this handover, we hope that the people of Batu Teripip Village can manage clean water facilities well and use them equally, the quota given per family is 240 liters/day. Hutama Karya also involves 1 (one) local hero who will directly monitor the process, maintenance and maintenance of clean water facilities," he explained.

The construction of this clean water facility uses the Brackesh Water Reverse Osmosis (BWRO) method, which is a brackish water processing machine into fresh water, adapted to the conditions of the surrounding peatland and the village environment close to the sea, so this filtering action is the most appropriate solution so that the resulting water is suitable for consumption.

The clean water providers then applied in Batu Teriptip Village for clean water are Indra Karya, while Hutama Karya together with Nindya Karya and Brantas Abipraya act as donors who provide funding needs.

During its construction, there were no significant challenges, but the long access to Batu Teritip Village from Dumai City caused the supply of material needs which took quite a long time to reach the location of the clean water facility work.

"We entrust that the clean water facilities are well cared for by the village and the community so that the residents of Batu Tertip Village become more independent and their clean water needs are met," concluded Adjib.

The village head of Batu Tertip Village, Firmanto, appreciated the assistance that had been provided by Hutama Karya and other BUMN collaborations.

"I, representing the people of Batu Teritip Village, would like to express my deepest gratitude to Hutama Karya, Indra Karya, Nindya Karya, and Brantas Abipraya for this assistance. Clean water is a basic need that was previously very difficult for our community. The presence of this clean water facility is expected to help the community in meeting their basic daily needs, and we are committed to taking care of it as well as possible," he said.

Meanwhile, the people of Batu Tertip Village, Juli Syahputra Butar Butar expressed their hope for the presence of clean water facilities.

So far, we often have difficulty getting clean water, especially in the dry season. The presence of this assistance really changes our lives. Our children can now consume more water, and we no longer need to walk far away just to get water. Hopefully programs like this will continue and can help other villages who also need it," said Juli.

The Clean Water Facilities Provision Program is not the first time for Hutama Karya, two units of Clean Water Facilities have previously been handed over throughout 2023 from Hutama Karya, spread across several areas, namely one Smart Water unit in North Buyut Village - Lampung, and one) a Clean Water Drilling Well unit in Tanjung Bonai Village, South Aur - West Sumatra.