Andre Taulany and Erin Experience Differences in Principles Over a Decade

JAKARTA - Celebrity Andre Taulany has finally spoken out regarding his divorce from his wife, Rien Wartia Trigina alias Erina, which he filed on April 4.

Andre said that the divorce decision was not just a momentary decision but had gone through much discussion and mature thinking.

"The decision was not taken in a moment. Of course it had been thought through carefully and had gone through a process of mutual discussion. Everything had been thought through properly," said Andre Taulany in the Mampang Prapatan area, South Jakarta, Thursday, August 8.

He further said that differences in principles and opinions were one of the reasons he was finally sure to file for divorce from his wife.

"Thank God, there were none, more on principles, differences of opinion. In a household, everyone experiences it, right? Fighting and differences of opinion are normal," said Andre Taulany.

The owner of the real name Andreas Taulany revealed that this difference in principles had been going on for the past 10 years. "(It's been going on) for a long time, (10 years) more," he answered.

But Andre emphasized that previously he and Erin had tried to improve each other by understanding each other's desires and giving in. "Trying to understand what your partner wants, trying to give in," he said.