Find Happy In Your Own Way, Adi Widodo Imagines Through Single Solo Winterman

JAKARTA - Taking a break for 2 years from the bustle of the music stage, Adi Widodo decided to continue his journey. The former Stars and Rabbit member released a solo single titled Winterman via Wazza Land Record.

Winterman is a term that comes out spontaneously during the lyric writing process. This song tells about the imagination of a person who lives in a tropical climate, then he hopes that one day he can feel life in a snowy place.

However, the message Adi wanted to convey was the courage to imagine, because at the same time, the journey had already begun.

The process of composing the song Winterman was almost done by Adi himself using the home studio. Meanwhile, the mixing and mastering processes were carried out at the home studio owned by Koko Iryawansyah, Adi's best friend who helped the acoustic guitar and vocal recording process.

This song is presented by Adi to all his relatives and music lovers who always support and provide energy for the process of creating his works.

"I hope everyone who listens to this song can find happiness in their own way," Adi said in a written statement received by the editor.

Winterman, a 3-minute 40-second music piece, was released on Friday, March 19 and is available on all digital music platforms.